Hapara: Video - Activity Viewer


Updated at January 23rd, 2025


Hello! In this quick video, we're going to look at Activity Viewer within your Hapara platform. When you select your class in Hapara, it defaults and takes you to browser tabs. We're going to go over to Activity Viewer. Activity Viewer is your way of looking at what websites have been visited within your class by your students.

On the left-hand side, you're going to get class activity. This is going to list the websites in alphabetical order. Over to the right, you're going to see how many people are currently on that website, have previously been on that website, or have never been on that website. You can see here, currently, these are what students are looking at within this teacher's class.

Now, if I click the drop-down, which I'm going to do for this video, it would give me the names of the students that are on that specific course. Over here to the right, we're getting unique activities. This is any sort of unique website that may have been visited. It's kind of letting you know whether it may or may not have been worth your time looking at what they are specifically.

As you're looking at this, you can see this specific class only has a few students that are actually active in it. Their numbers aren't very high, which means the unique activity is not going to be very telling of what's going on because there aren't very many students within the course. But if you had a class of 25, 30, or 35 students and they were all operating on their Chromebooks, then your unique activity may be a little bit more telling of what some students may have been looking at that you didn't necessarily want them looking at.

Now, a couple of options here: I can click on it and go immediately to what it is that they have been viewing. I get their name in this column. It tells me how long ago they were on that website or platform. Over here, I can take a quick screenshot of what they are viewing on that website. I can also immediately go ahead and close that tab if they have navigated to something that I feel they need to be off of very quickly.

If I scroll down to the bottom, I get this collaboration section. This would be if, for example, two students were working on a Google Doc together or some sort of website where they were collaborating. It would show me the collaboration occurring right here. Okay, that is your Activity Viewer tab within Hapara.




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