About Our Program
The Knox County Blended Preschool Program is available at 22 sites across the district. These classes are inclusive/blended education classes for children ages 3-5. A select number of students will be enrolled in each classroom to serve as peer models to students with disabilities. The blended preschool classroom is a structured teaching environment where students with disabilities and peer models learn together, staffed with one special education teacher and at least two educational assistants. The Knox County Schools Blended Preschool Program is a high-quality program offering preschoolers, with and without disabilities, challenging experiences and opportunities to develop skills and abilities in a nurturing environment. All Knox County Schools preschool classrooms follow the Connect 4 Learning curriculum, a language rich curriculum focusing on science and math with literacy and social/emotional components embedded throughout. More information about the Connect 4 Learning curriculum can be found at https://www.kaplanco.com/c4l/.
Adrian Burnett Elementary |
Fort Sanders Educational Development Center |
Amherst Elementary | Gibbs Elementary |
Bonny Kate Elementary | Halls Elementary |
Brickey McCloud Elementary | Karns Preschool |
Carter Elementary | Mill Creek Elementary |
Cedar Bluff Preschool | Mooreland Heights Elementary |
Christenberry Elementary | Northshore Elementary |
Copper Ridge Elementary | Lonsdale Elementary |
Dogwood Elementary | Sunnyview Primary |
East Knox Elementary | West Haven Elementary |
Fair Garden Community Center |
West Hills Elementary |
After School Care
Please contact the school directly for more information about after school care. All after school care enrollments are managed through independent after school companies. After school care options are currently available for an additional rate at the following schools:
- Cedar Bluff Preschool – SHADES of Development
- Christenberry Elementary – Boys and Girls Club
- Dogwood Elementary – Boys and Girls Club
- Fair Garden Community Center – SHADES of Development
- Fort Sanders Educational Development Center – SHADES of Development
- Lonsdale Elementary- Boys and Girls Club
- Mooreland Heights Elementary- Boys and Girls Club
- Karns Preschool (4 year olds only) – SHADES of Development
- South Knox Elementary- Boys and Girls Club
- Sunnyview Primary – SHADES of Development
- West Haven Elementary – Boys and Girls Club
Program Requirements
To be accepted as a peer model, the following criteria must be met:
Children must be at least 3 years of age, but not yet 6 by August 15, 2025 to be considered. Children who are 6 by August 15, 2025 are required to enroll in Kindergarten, therefore ineligible for the Blended Preschool Program. The peer model program is NOT intended for students already identified with an educational disability or suspected educational disability.
- Children must be completely toilet trained to be considered as a peer model.
- Children should be easily understood in order to model appropriate speech and language.
- Children should demonstrate consistent, excellent behavior and developmentally appropriate social interactions.
- Regular attendance is required.
- Parents must have their children at the program on time and pick them up at the designated time. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the program.
- Enrollment packet should be completed by May 2, 2025 if accepted into the program. Enrollment packets are available at, and specific, to each school site.
- The Tennessee Health Record Form is required for all children documenting their immunization history.
- A copy of a certified birth certificate is required.
- Proof of Knox County residency is required.
Tuition for the Blended Preschool Classroom Program is $200 per month and must be paid using the School Cash Online platform. Failure to pay tuition on time may result in dismissal from the program. Parents will be responsible for paying for their child’s breakfast and lunch each day, or the child can bring his/her own breakfast/lunch. Tuition funds are used to purchase materials for the classroom, consumables, furniture, rugs, professional development, preschool staffing, and other expenditures approved by program administration which directly impacts preschool students.
Preschool hours are 7:45-1:15, but may vary slightly depending on the site.
After School Care
Please contact the school directly for more information about after school care. All after school care enrollments are managed through independent after school companies. After care sites are listed above under the “sites” tab.
Application Timeline
Completed applications must be submitted by Wednesday, March 26, 2025 to be considered for the first round of enrollment. August tuition of $100 must be received by June 1st to confirm your spot. Instructions for payment will be sent as part of the acceptance email.
Children of Knox County Schools employees who meet enrollment criteria and those currently enrolled in the program will be given first priority if applying before March 26, 2025. KCS Employees and returning families applying after March 26th will be considered as any other applicant. Parents will be notified via email if their child is selected to participate by April 17, 2025. Students who do not get an initial slot will be placed on a waiting list. All current students must reapply to be considered for the 2025-26 school year and must have tuition payments up to date to reapply.
Knox County Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, gender, creed, color, or ethnicity.
What can my child gain from participating in the Blended Preschool Program?
In addition to participation in a high-quality, language rich classroom with a vetted early childhood curriculum, there are many benefits to including typically developing peers and students with disabilities. Below are just a few of the benefits according to the Policy Statement on Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs (9/2014):
- Typically developing children can show positive developmental, social and attitudinal outcomes from inclusive experiences.
- They are capable of demonstrating greater compassion and empathy.
- They have a more positive perception of children with disabilities.
- They can develop a better understanding of diversity and disability.
- There are benefits from working with developmental specialists who can identify and address student needs that may not otherwise be identified.
Next Steps: If your child meets the listed criteria for our program, please complete the electronic application. Please do not submit additional documentation (birth certificate, shot record, etc) at this time. If your child is accepted to the Blended Preschool Program, you will submit these documents to your child’s school with a completed enrollment packet by May 2, 2025.
Applications should be submitted via the online application link. All correspondence regarding acceptance into the program will be via email. Enrollment is NOT solely based on a “first come, first serve” system. Many factors go into creating a well-balanced classroom.
Tuition Details
Monthly Payments
Tuition payment is due on or before the first of every month (August - May)
Monthly Rate |
5 Days/Week Rate |
August (Adjusted due to fewer days) Due by June 1 |
$100 |
September - May | $200 |
Semester Payments
Tuition Payment #1 is due on or before August 1, 2025
Tuition Payment #2 is due on or before January 1, 2026
Monthly Rate |
5 Days/Week Rate |
Semester #1 (Aug - Dec) | $900 |
Semester #2 (Jan - May) | $1000 |
Yearly Payment
Tuition Payment is due on or before August 1, 2025
Yearly Rate |
5 Days/Week Rate |
August - May | $1900 |
Tuition Agreement
The tuition payment is due on or before the 1st of every month for a total of 10 payments (August-May). The monthly tuition for all students accepted into the Blended Preschool Program is $200.
August tuition is adjusted since students are attending for fewer days. This payment is due by June 1st to reserve your spot. More information will be included in your acceptance email.
Payments may be made monthly, by semester, or for the entire year.
Deductions will not be made for days, weeks, or months a student may be absent from school. Vacations, quarantines, or long illnesses will not be deducted from tuition. District wide school closures will also not impact tuition requirements. All payments made to Knox County Schools are non- refundable.
If payment is not received by the 1st of each month, a $35.00 late charge penalty will be incurred. Furthermore, if tuition is not paid by the 5th day of the following month, the student will not be accepted in class and his/her enrollment may be terminated.
The Blended Preschool tuition may be tax deductible. A tax form will be issued at the end of the calendar year upon request. You should save all your receipts from tuition payments.
Compliance with district and school policies must be adhered to. Failure to do so could result in dismissal from the program at any time. In such a case, the current month’s tuition payment will not be refunded.
Any financial questions may be directed to the Business Services department at 865-594-1676.
I agree to the terms and conditions of the Knox County Schools Blended Preschool Program tuition agreement. I understand that failure to pay tuition according to these terms will result in termination from the Blended Preschool Program.
Electronic Signature on Application indicates parents understand and agree to the Tuition Agreement.
Contact Us
Contact us via email at blendedpreschool@knoxschools.org or by calling 865-594-1247.