AP-A-142 School-Aged After School Child Care Program


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Category: Procedure:

School District Organization

School-Aged After School Child Care Program

Descriptor Code: Issued Date: Revised Date:


June 1997

October 2003

Year-round Child Care programs will be bid and contracted. To alleviate problems for the Knox County Schools Maintenance and Operations Department, it is suggested that the following language is included in the specifications:

  • Child Care programs exist in our facilities during the summer months. The coordination of additional custodial assistance in the daily routine and having access to many areas of the school to do the annual work on the building should be addressed.
  • That areas used by the Child Care vendor(s) are made available in ample time so that annual custodial maintenance can be performed.
  • That the principal and custodial foreman communicate to the contractor any additional custodial care that is needed and work out the specifications.
  • That the contractor shall provide its own custodial services each day.
  • That the areas used are cleaned daily by staff; i.e., sweeping, emptying trash, cleaning restrooms, especially on days or late afternoons when custodians are not present.
  • The contractor shall pay the current set rate to the Knox County Schools Maintenance and Operations Department when their activities cause the custodian to keep the building open past the custodian’s regular working hour(s).

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