AP-D-140 Receipt of Funds at School Level


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Category: Procedure:
Fiscal Management Receipt of Funds at School Level
Descriptor Code: Issued Date: Revised Date:
AP-D-140 June 1997  August 2001 

All monies received within an individual school are subject to the operating procedures as specified in the Tennessee Internal School Uniform Accounting Policy Manual.  As stated in the Manual, the school becomes accountable when these funds are initially received by employees.  

A copy of the Manual is on file in the principal’s office at each school and in the school system’s Finance Department.  The Finance Department coordinates compliance with the Manual, providing support and training to the principal and bookkeeper at each school.  

Any money collected by any school shall be documented.  Teachers, teacher assistants, or other individuals designated by the principal may collect monies from pupils within the classroom.  Teachers are furnished logs and a pre-numbered receipt book by the principal to use in recording collections for each activity, e.g. class rings, school pictures, annuals, etc.  Receipts should be given for amounts received when requested by the parent or payor.  

The amounts are totaled and given to the bookkeeper at least daily.  The bookkeeper shall issue a receipt for amounts received. If money is taken from a vending machine, the receipt shall be issued to the person who counted the money.  

At the end of the school year, the teacher's logs, receipt books, and Teacher Deposit of Funds forms should be reconciled and submitted to the principal (or designee) prior to principal check-out and the external financial audit.  


Board allocations may include, but are not limited to, Basic, General, Special Education, Kindergarten, Math, Science, and Social Studies.  


All money collected as fines shall be placed in the general purpose school fund or internal school funds, as appropriate.  


Although support organizations do not fall under the principal's jurisdiction it is strongly encouraged that he/she request a reporting of sources and uses of funds on at least an annual basis.  Examples of support organizations include, but are not limited to, parent-teacher associations/organizations, band booster clubs and athletic support organizations.  Questions should be directed to Knox County Schools Finance Department at 594-1676. 

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