AP-D-150-1 Deposit of Funds


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Category: Procedure:
Fiscal Management Deposit of Funds 
Descriptor Code: Issued Date: Revised Date:
AP-D-150-1 June 1997  February 1999 

All monies received for deposit by the Knox County Board of Education (the Board), whether by the internal school funds or all other Board funds, are to be deposited within three (3) banking days after receipt.  

In the case of the internal school funds, all monies received within an individual school are subject to the operating procedures as specified in the Tennessee Internal School Financial Management Manual (the Manual). A copy of the Manual is on file in the principal’s office at each school and in the school system’s Finance Department. The Finance Department coordinates compliance with the Manual, providing support and training to the principal and bookkeeper at each school. Monies collected must be deposited with the principal (or designee) at least once per day by the teacher using the Knox County Schools Teacher Deposit of Funds (Form BO-125). The teacher should be issued a pre-numbered receipt for all monies deposited. All monies received by the principal (or designee) must be deposited within three (3) banking days after receipt. The pre-numbered receipts should be totaled and reconciled to each deposit slip. 

Monies received for deposit to funds other than the internal school funds should be forwarded to the Finance Department in a timely manner to allow compliance with State law, which requires deposit with the Knox County Trustee within three (3) banking days.  

Questions should be directed to the Finance Department at 594-1676. 

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