AP-D-171 Financial Reports


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Category: Procedure:
Fiscal Management Financial Reports 
Descriptor Code: Issued Date: Revised Date:
AP-D-171 August 2001   

The Superintendent (or designee) shall maintain all financial records as required by regulations and applicable state and federal law. The Board, from time to time, may determine to extend the retention time for certain records. Financial records shall be destroyed in a manner to insure complete destruction, such as incineration or shredding.  

Each principal shall submit to the Superintendent (or designee) at the end of each calendar month on a prescribed form the receipts, expenditures and cash balances of all accounts under his/her jurisdiction. These reports shall be made available to the Board at its request. 

Each principal shall submit a budget to the Superintendent (or designee) for their respective school showing anticipated revenues and expenditures. In formulating the budget, principals should request information from athletic directors, department chairpersons, club and class sponsors, grade level chairpersons, etc.  

Budget should be submitted prior to October 1 each year.  

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