AP-D-230-2 Fuel Purchasing


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Category: Procedure:
Fiscal Management Fuel Purchasing
Descriptor Code: Issued Date: Revised Date:
AP-D-230-2 June 2015 September 2023

It is necessary for Knox County Schools to maintain a fuel purchase program to manage fuel for the school system’s fleet of vehicles and power equipment. This procedure is applicable to the purchase of fuel for all system owned and/or operated equipment including the vehicles and power equipment purchased and maintained for use at individual schools. 

Fuel purchased by or through Knox County Schools (KCS) shall be used for authorized official business only. Personal use of fuel purchased by KCS is prohibited; including fuel for personal vehicles or other nondistrict owned or operated vehicles or equipment. Fuel for all KCS vehicles shall be purchased from sites participating in the district’s fueling system by using fuel cards which have unique identifiers. Procurement of fuel by any other means is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. 

 The KCS fuel purchase program consists of three distinct fuel cards, each with its own operational purpose. The primary fuel card is for purchase of fuel for passenger-carrying vehicles with unique identification numbers (i.e. Vehicle Identification Numbers). The primary card will be embossed with vehicle make, vehicle model, and the TAB number#. 

The secondary fuel card is for fuel purchase of fuel for mobile or auxiliary fuel tanks either trailer mounted or affixed to passenger-carrying vehicles, power equipment, landscape equipment, and other similar items. The secondary card will be embossed “Auxiliary” and remain with the associated passenger carrying vehicle. 

The third type of fuel card is the Master Department fuel card. In the case an employees loses, breaks, or cannot use their fuel card, the Master Department fuel card may be checked out; the employee must sign for the card upon checking out and returning the card. 

When feasible, primary cards shall be issued to vehicles and restricted to use with the vehicle to which it was issued.  

The Asset Management Department is the authorizing official for issuance of KCS fuel cards and personal identification numbers (PIN). To obtain a fuel card and/or PIN, the KCS fuel card request form must be completed and submitted to the appropriate Department Director for review and approval. Cards/PINS will not be issued until Asset Management has received the signed approval form from the Department Director. 

Asset Management, in coordination with the Director of Business Services, will establish authorization controls for the fuel purchase programs. These limits will include maximum gallons/dollars of fuel allowed per vehicle, per purchase, per day and per week.

  1. To use the fuel purchasing system, an employee must: ,
    1. Have access to: a vehicle-specific fuel card which stays in the vehicle, a secondary card used to fill mobile or auxiliary fuel tanks which stays in the primary passenger vehicle, or the Master Department fuel card.
    2. Have a unique employee identifier (PIN) assigned by their supervisor and approved by Asset Management.
    3. Enter the employee’s unique identifier (PIN) and the vehicle’s correct odometer reading as required at the fuel pump-This is a critical step since the odometer reading is key to the software that is used to track the KCS fleet. Intentionally or repeatedly entering inaccurate odometer readings will result in disciplinary action and may lead to employee termination.
    4. Use the secondary card embossed “Auxiliary” to fill mobile or auxiliary fuel tanks.
    5. Purchase only regular unleaded fuel or diesel fuel as may be required.
    6. Turn the receipt into the employee’s supervisor (or supervisor’s designee) according to department protocol. 
      1. Fuel receipts must include: employee name, signature, odometer reading and vehicle number 
      2. If the employee misplaces a receipt, they will be responsible for retrieving a copy of the receipt promptly. 
  2. Each driver will be assigned a unique identifier.  This identifier can be used by the individual with any card on the account.  PINs will not be written on the card.  PINs are not to be shared.  Compromised PINs must be cancelled immediately.
  3. If a card is lost or stolen, it will be cancelled immediately.
  4. If a vehicle is transferred, sold, or surplused, the card will be cancelled immediately.
  5. Transfer tanks will be used to fill power equipment, vehicles (including fire trucks) assigned to schools that only require minimal amounts of fuel, power equipment, lawn maintenance equipment and other similar items.
  6. When using the transfer tanks for dispensing fuel at KCS sites, operators are required to maintain the KCS fuel log (KCS form #...) documenting the dispensing of fuel at the sites.  The fuel log will be submitted at the end of each month Asset Management. 
  7. If an employee fails to provide accurate and complete information more than two times, disciplinary actions may be taken. The employee’s card may be deactivated, and they may lose the ability to operate a Knox County Schools vehicle.
  8. Supervisors of employees assigned KCS vehicles or power equipment will notify Asset Management of employee termination within 24 hours. Asset Management will notify vendor that the card and/or PIN is to be deactivated. 
  9. The inventory asset manager and Asset Management will audit departmental fuel statements monthly.
  10. The Director of Business Services will verify that pricing is calculated at cost plus markup solution based upon the OPIS report for the given month, as specified in the current contract.
  11. Random checks will be made to ensure each card is in the correctly assigned vehicle to preserve the integrity of the fuel transaction data. The supervisor will verify that they have performed the check to Asset Management and report any findings. 

This procedure does not pertain to internal school funds. For more information regarding the procurement of fuel with student activity funds, please see the Board of Education Electronic Commerce Policies and Procedures Manual or contact the Director of Internal School Funds.

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