Category: | Procedure: | |
Business Management | Pest Control | |
Descriptor Code: | Issued Date: | Revised Date: |
AP-E-110-10 | June 1997 | October 2003 |
If there is a problem with pests, please fax the “Pest Sighting Form” (available from Knox County Schools Maintenance and Operations) to 594-1352. Pest concerns are usually addressed within 24 hours.
The pest control schedule is made one year in advance. If a copy is not received by September 1st of each year, please call 594-3633 and one will be forwarded.
As a general rule, proper preparations include the following steps:
- No boxes, books or paper products should be stored on the floor of the areas being treated. Example, classroom books should be stored on the desks in the center of the room for the summer season.
- All shelves must be emptied. For example, bookshelves, closet shelves, concession shelves, etc. should be completely emptied. All intersecting areas of the shelves must be accessible for inspection and treatment.
- All drawers must be emptied. Desk drawers and cabinet drawers are examples, excluding file cabinets, however, they must be accessible.
- All lockers and equipment rooms must be emptied and left open for service.
- All concession stands, kitchens and other food areas (including teachers’ lounges) must have all food removed, shelves emptied, drawers emptied, plates, glasses and utensils covered and sanitation efforts must be extensive.
- All custodial closets should be emptied and supplies placed in the hallways.