AP-E-110-4 Asbestos Management


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Category: Procedure:
Business Management  Asbestos Management
Descriptor Code: Issued Date: Revised Date:
AP-E-110-4 June 1997 October 2003

The following information is provided to all personnel, students, and parents when asbestos is being treated or abated at each facility: 

The asbestos will be removed using the following guidelines:  

  1. This project is to be designed by a certified engineering firm.
  2. All air monitoring will be performed by the engineering firm.
  3. All Federal, State and Local Guidelines will be followed.
  4. All personnel are AHERA certified asbestos removers.
  5. All permits will be obtained.
  6. The removal project will not interrupt regular classroom activities, but could interrupt extracurricular activities.
  7. No one will be permitted to enter work area until an air clearance test is performed and passed. Test shall be performed by a certified engineering firm. 

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