AP-E-172-1 Contracted Bus Service


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Category: Procedure:
Business Management  Contracted Bus Service 
Descriptor Code: Issued Date: Revised Date:
AP-E-100-1 June 1997 October 2008


The contractor is the primary initiator of the transportation program for the Knox County Board of Education. The contractor is an independently established business desiring to provide pupil transportation services to Knox County students. The contractor determines all equipment and supplies necessary to meet his or her contractual agreement with the Knox County Board of Education. The contractor is responsible for hiring qualified and certified drivers to operate his or her buses and monitor his or her employees to ensure all routes are operated safely in a timely fashion and that relationships with students and parents remain appropriate. Further, contractors and their employees are expected to maintain a satisfactory working relationship with all school personnel.


The school transportation department program shall be monitored daily by the principals and the Transportation Department and subjected to periodic evaluations by them as necessary (E-170, line 4). Therefore, a principal or teacher must be on the school grounds when the first bus arrives, and at least one teacher must remain after the close of the school day until all buses depart. Larger schools may require more than one teacher to supervise bus pupils.


Along with the contractors and the principals, the Transportation Department monitors the daily operation of the school transportation program for the Knox County Board of Education. In order to monitor the program properly, the Transportation Department may request specific information from contractors related to their provided service agreement. Information from individual schools may be requested for submittal in order to complete required reports or other projects and/or procedures. In addition, the Transportation Department conducts a continuous evaluation of the program and submits necessary information to the Superintendent and the Board of Education upon request. 

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