AP-F-140-1 Naming Facilities


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Category: Procedure:
Facility Expansion Program Naming Facilities 
Descriptor Code: Issued Date: Revised Date:
AP-F-140-1  February 2021   

The Board of Education shall approve the naming or re-naming of all Knox County Schools facilities or portions of facilities (please reference Knox County Board of Education Policy F-140).  Nominations to name or re-name a facility or portion of a facility must be made in writing to the Board of Education Naming Facilities Committee using Knox County Schools Form FA-101 along with supporting documentation.  Nominations submitted without required supporting documentation will not be considered by the Naming Facilities Committee unless or until complete information is provided. 

Nominations may be solicited by Knox County Schools administration or submitted by the public.  A facility or portion of a facility may be named for a person, a major donor, a distinctive geographic location, or in honor of a historic event or place.  The Naming Facilities Committee will consider complete nominations and make recommendations to the Board of Education for final approval. 

Nominations will be considered by the Naming Facilities Committee within a reasonable period of time following a complete submission of documentation to the Board of Education office.  Notice of the meeting date for consideration of the nomination will be provided at least thirty (30) days in advance to allow time for documentation supporting or opposing a proposed name.  Supporting or opposing opinions and required documentation will be received by the Naming Facilities Committee at least five (5) days prior to the noticed meeting.  Documents received late may not be considered. 

The Naming Facilities Committee will submit recommendations to approve or deny nominations as items of consideration on the Board of Education’s work session and regular session meeting agenda.  

Please reference attached Process for Considering Names for Knox County Schools’ District Facilities for further detailed information. 

Initial Requirements 

  • A facility or portion of a facility may be named for a person, a major donor, a distinctive geographic location or in honor of a historic event or place.
  • Consideration of naming a facility in honor or memory of a person:  the person must be connected to the district, be a role model and must have made significant contributions to his or her field.
  • Consideration of naming a facility for a major donor:  The donation must be significant and be connected to the district.
  • Consideration of naming a facility for a distinctive geographic location:  The location must be significant to the district and/or Knox County community. 
  • Consideration of naming a facility in honor of a historic event or place:  The event or place must have major significance, and some connection to the district.
  • Proper documentation is to be provided for review and administrative staff must conduct research on all names. 


  • A name may be solicited by the district to the Board of Education Naming Facilities Committee.
  • A name may be submitted by the public to the Board of Education Naming Facilities Committee. 
  • Nominations must be made in writing on a form provided by the district, along with supporting documentation, to the Knox County Board of Education Naming Facilities Committee. Documentation or communications in opposition to nominations may also be submitted to and considered by the Committee.  Documentation shall reflect facts/evidence which address the criteria to consider (listed below).
  • Nominations will be considered and final recommendations to the Board of Education will be made based upon the schedule of the Naming Committee.
  • Final approval for all nominations rests with the Board of Education.
  • Potential names without sufficient supporting documentation may be summarily dismissed by the Naming Committee. 


  • The Naming Facilities Committee shall consist of 3 Members of the Board of Education.
  • Committee Members will be appointed by the Board Chair annually.
  • The Committee will meet within a reasonable period of time following the submission of a nomination to the Board of Education office.  Notice of the meeting will be provided at least thirty (30) days in advance to allow time for documentation supporting or opposing the proposed name.  Supporting or opposing opinions and required documentation will be received by the Committee at least five (5) days prior to the noticed meeting.  Documents received late may not be considered.
  • The Committee will submit recommendations to approve or deny nominations as items of consideration on the Board’s regular session meeting agenda.  Any recommendation of the Committee shall be by majority vote. 

Criteria to Consider

  • Does the nominated name reflect direct and substantial association and achievement of extraordinary and lasting distinction (i.e. an individual’s scholarship, creativity, leadership, and humanitarian and public service)?
  • Has the nominee served the district?  Length of years of service?  Quality and quantity of contributions?
  • Weight may be given to an individual who gained distinction in the area or areas related to the usage of the facility.
  • A potential name’s negative meaning (if any) and an individual’s conduct unbecoming, negative and/or unjust acts and behavior will also be considered.  Such acts would include, but not be limited to, acts considered criminal, illegal, and/or immoral.
  • This listing is not exhaustive and other facts and details of significance can and will be considered.
  • All naming considerations shall have the same opportunities regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disabilities or veteran status. 


  • Nominations must be submitted via the official form process at any time, but the Naming Facilities Committee’s recommendation process must be complete prior to Board consideration.
  • Nominations submitted without required supporting documentation will not be considered by the Naming Facilities Committee until complete and neither the Committee nor Knox County Schools will be responsible for logging incomplete submissions.
  • The district nomination form can be accessed on the Knox County Schools website at:  https://www.knoxschools.org/Domain/12514

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