AP-G-180 Placing Information in Personnel Files


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Category: Procedure:
Human Resources  Placing Information in Personnel Files
Descriptor Code: Issued Date: Revised Date:
AP-G-180  June 1997 July 2021 

The Superintendent or his or her designee is responsible for notifying employees of the types of records kept in the personnel file and the uses of the records. Employee records, except those designated by federal law or state law to be confidential (i.e., HIPPA; ADA; FERPA and OPEN RECORDS ACT) are public records and are available for inspection during regular business hours. Administrative Procedure AP-B-210 will be followed when a request is made to view personnel records.  

Further, the employee will be notified that a request has been made to view his/her personnel file. The employee may be given the name of the person making the request and will be given the opportunity to view the file first. An employee of Knox County Schools will remain with the person who is viewing the records. 

An employee requesting to view his or her own personnel file may contact the Human Resources Department directly.  If copies are requested, the same charges outlined in Administrative Procedure AP-B-210 will apply.  

The following information may be placed in a personnel file: 

  1. Employee applications and contracts;
  2. Professional certificates and other documents required by the state and federal laws and regulations;
  3. Evaluations and supporting documentation; and 
  4. Commendations awarded by the Board of Education, Superintendent, Supervisor or any state or national professional organization.  

Whenever preparing any negative or derogatory (i.e., disciplinary action) material to be placed in an employee’s personnel file, the following statement must be included:  

My signature indicates that I have received a copy of this information. I understand that I have an opportunity to respond in writing and the response will also be placed in my personnel file. I further understand that the contents of my personnel file are public information. 

___________________                                                                         ___________________

Signature                                                                                         Date



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