AP-G-463-2 Child Care and Maternity Leave


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Category: Procedure:
Human Resources  Child Care and Maternity Leave 
Descriptor Code: Issued Date: Revised Date:
AP-G-463-2 June 1997  July 2021
  1. An employee may take a child care leave. The child must be under the age of two and proof of age may be required. 
  2. An employee may take maternity leave. The request must include a doctor’s statement giving a description of the leave and the specific date(s) of the duration. 
  3. The request must be in writing on an Unpaid Leave of Absence Form (HR-104A) at least thirty (30) days prior to the leave and submitted to his/her supervisor. The doctor's statement should be included with the request on Form HR-104B. 
  4. The employee must submit Forms HR-104A and HR 104B to the Human Resources Department. 
  5. Leave and leave extensions shall not exceed a total of two consecutive years. 
  6. Sick leave may be used during physical disability only as determined by the physician. 

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