AP-G-463-3 Administrative Leave without Pay


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Category: Procedure:
Human Resources  Administrative Leave Without Pay 
Descriptor Code: Issued Date: Revised Date:
AP-G-463-3  August 2013  July 2021 

From time to time it may become necessary for employees to be away from work for reasons not addressed by the specific forms of leave granted under the various Board of Education policies governing leaves and employee absences. In these instances, an employee may request the Director of Schools grant administrative leave without pay (ALW/OP).  

The Director of Schools as well as all supervisory personnel in the ALW/OP review and approval process will consider the requests on a case by case basis based on the circumstances and the merits of the justification. Generally, ALW/OP is not appropriate for discretionary absences over which the employee has some control. It is most appropriate for situations in which the employee has personal, legal or family obligations that leave little other recourse than to be absent from work. 

ALW/OP is not an alternative form of personal or vacation days, and it will not be treated as such. For example, it would be appropriate to request ALW/OP to care for a parent, attend a child’s wedding, graduation, or other significant family event or to appear in court for a matter not related to an individual’s responsibilities with the Knox County Schools. It would not be appropriate to request ALW/OP, vacations or recreational activities, business trips with spouses, mission trips or other elective types of absences.

An employee must fill out and submit a Leave Request Form (BO-157) for approval. Requests for ALW/OP will originate with the school administrator or, in the case of personnel assigned to central office or system-wide duties, the first director in individual’s supervisory chain. 

  1. For school-based staff, the request and review process will initiate with the school principal and include the appropriate grade level director. 
  2. For Central Office and system-wide staff, the review process will initiate with the first director in the supervisory chain and include the appropriate assistant superintendent.
  3. The Director of Schools is the final approval authority for all ALW/OP requests and will be the final step in the review and approval process. However, any principal or supervisor in the approval chain may disapprove the request and it will go no further.  

All requests for ALW/OP must include a detailed justification in the notes field provided in the electronic request. Requests without justification will not be considered.  

Employees should not make travel arrangements or commitments prior to having an approved leave. Absences without approved leave, may subject an employee to disciplinary action. 

Any approved ALW/OP does not count against accumulated leave credit.  

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