AP-I-171-2 Homeschool Students Participation in Interscholastic Athletics


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Category: Procedure:
Instructional Goals and Objectives  Homeschool Student Participation in Interscholastic Athletics
Descriptor Code:   Revised Date:
AP-I-171-2 August 2011  March 2014 


The Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association (TSSAA) bylaws and Knox County Board of Education Policy I-171-1 (Interscholastic Athletics) permit home school students registered with the Knox County Schools in grades 6-12 to participate on interscholastic athletic teams provided that the students meet all criteria for participation established by the TSSAA, and their participation does not preclude the participation of any student enrolled in the Knox County Schools who is otherwise eligible. 

The Board policy affects only those athletic activities that are sanctioned by the TSSAA. Properly registered homeschool students will receive appropriate consideration for athletic participation based on the TSSAA bylaws and Board of Education policy I-171. Home school students may only be considered for participation on athletic teams fielded by their zoned high school. Students may not be considered for participation on the athletic teams of schools for which their residential address is not zoned.  

Homeschool students may participate on Knox County Schools athletic teams only after all Knox County Schools students who express an interest in participation have been provided the opportunity to participate. The practical effect is that teams with a roster cap or where cuts are made to determine membership may not permit a homeschool student to participate if an enrolled Knox County Schools student is cut in the selection process or is unable to participate due to the roster cap.  

All TSSAA and Knox County Schools conditions of participation apply to all current and prospective athletes as well as the local rules and conditions established by each principal and team coach. The home school athlete must adhere to the same standards of behavior, responsibility, performance, and code of conduct as other team participants. 


Schools administrators and team coaches are responsible for ensuring that a prospective home school athlete is not permitted to participate on interscholastic athletic teams unless and until the athlete is properly registered with the Knox County Schools. The Knox County Schools supervisor responsible for homeschool oversight will verify registration upon request from school administrators. Specifically, the student shall be enrolled in a home school study program in compliance with Section 49-6-3050(b)(1) of the Tennessee Code and be registered with the Superintendent of Schools by August 1st of the school year in which participation is desired. The parent or guardian must also make application to the principal of the school in which the home school athlete wishes to participate not later than August 15th of school year in which participation is desired. The home school athlete shall meet the same academic standards required of enrolled student athletes to participate in the athletic program. The school principal shall obtain homeschool student academic performance information in writing from the instructor of record and provide eligibility reports to the TSSAA as required under that organization’s bylaws.   

Participation fees imposed under Board Policy I-171 will be collected by the school and remitted to the Knox County Schools finance office prior to any participation in athletic activities by the homeschool student.

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