AP-J-151 Student Assignment


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Category: Procedure:
Students  Student Assignment 
Descriptor Code: Issued Date: Revised Date:
AP-J-151  June 1997   January 2002 

Refer to State Law T.C.A. 49-6-3101(f), 49-6-3102, 49-6-3103 and State Department Memo of Interpretation, February 25, 1986. (Authorizes the local Principal to assign students to grade level and classes, based on their best educational judgment.) Central Office and School Administrators responsible for implementation. 

Knox County Schools, Guidelines for Placement of Students Age-Eligible to Enter First Grade. Elementary Department. 

High School Assignment 

The criteria for placement of students in the secondary school program include the following: 

  1. Scholastic achievement and aptitude test data
  2. Teacher recommendation
  3. Scholastic grades and credits
  4. Course offerings and competency requirements
  5. Career goals of the student 6. Parent and student preference (as appropriate and realistic) 

Within a period of ten (10) days, any student whose progress is not satisfactory or has been inappropriately assigned, may revert to the preceding or appropriate course level based on teacher, guidance, and administrative review. Parents may appeal this decision to the principal if they disagree. 

Knox County Schools, Program of Studies for High Schools. High School Department. 

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