AP-J-190 Discipline Procedure


Updated at July 27th, 2024

In This Article:

Category: Procedure:
Students  Discipline Procedure
Descriptor Code: Issued Date: Revised Date:
AP-J-190  June 1997   October 2003

Reference Policy Handbook:  

  1. MISBEHAVIORS: LEVELS I, II, III, IV (Policy Handbook – J-190)      
    1. examples are NOT an exclusive listing      
    2. under Disciplinary Procedures: (add to the same line as follows: Disciplinary Procedures are, but not limited to:)      
    3. under Disciplinary Procedures it is to be understood that listing is not in sequential order    
    4. omit (simple) from Fighting      
    5. add the word Assault under Fighting 
  2. Additional Guidelines 
    1. A student MAY (shall not) be suspended (solely) because charges are pending against him/her in juvenile or other court (reference #12 TCA 49-6-3401, 07/01/95) 
    2. student to be admitted (felony charge discovered); principal may follow with suspension/expulsion in reference to TCA 49-6-3401 
  3. Refer to J-193 Student Suspensions for process 
  4. Zero Tolerance – refer to J-194 

Principal responsible for implementation. 

Knox County Schools, An Administrator’s Guide to Discipline Under 504 and IDEA. Supplementary Student Services Department. 

Knox County Schools, Discipline Procedures Manual.

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