AP-J-250 Bus Conduct


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Category: Procedure:
Students  Bus Conduct 
Descriptor Code: Issued Date: Revised Date:
AP-J-250  June 1997   February 1999
  1. Principal or designee may use students for information in an investigation. However, the use of student monitors on a bus related to student conduct will not be allowed. (Reference TCA) 
  2. Procedure needed for misconduct reported by parents or other students.
    1. Request that parent or student make a report in writing (i.e. Parent Communication Form and/or Student Witness Statement).
    2. Principal or designee conduct investigation (including the bus driver). Thoroughly document process.
  3. Principal or designee should follow disciplinary code sheet on the school bus incident report form (ADT-203) for all infractions and provide the bus driver with the goldenrod copy with results of referral. Principals and contractors should establish a procedure for communicating bus misconduct information. Reporting of misbehavior and results should be done in a timely manner (within 3-5 days). If a special education student is involved in misbehavior in which an M-Team is required to determine manifestation, principals should note on Form AD-T-203 disciplinary action taken will depend upon conference outcome. Principal should refer to bus incident form with “conference decision” and provide a copy to the bus driver. (Note to principals: this “conference” is only if an M-Team meeting is necessary. However, it is a violation of the law to identify the students as handicapped on the bus incident form.) Principal should communicate expected behaviors to all students and parents through school student handbook.
  4. Principal or designee is the only one to suspend a student from a bus enroute or at any time. (Reference Knox County Schools Bus Operator's Handbook)
  5. Students who transfer from bus to bus while in route to and from school shall be expected to abide by approved discipline policies and procedures. The principal or designee at the base school (school the student attends) shall administer appropriate discipline. Communication between schools may be necessary.
  6. Permission for a student to ride a different bus than the one he/she is assigned to will be given based on available space, acceptable student conduct, principal discretion and if the bus doesn’t have to make an extra stop. Upon giving permission for student change of bus, principal or designee will photocopy parental request for alternate bus, provide a copy to the bus driver, and keep a copy on file for the duration of the change. Verification with parent by phone may be needed. (Reference Knox County Schools Bus Operator’s Handbook “Directives”)
  7. Any student riding a contracted bus providing transportation for a school sponsored activity is subject to disciplinary action for any infraction under the code of conduct.
  8. A driver submitting a School Bus Incident Report to the principal or his/her designee, should list the interventions attempted to correct the behavior outlined in the discipline under “specific details” on Form AD-T-203. (e.g. Lee Canter’s Assertive Discipline for Bus Drivers)
  9. School personnel should have the responsibility for actions that violate the code of conduct at designated bus stops during a reasonable time period. If a question arises over time period or responsibility, contact school security for assistance. 



This policy references “Student Management” pp. 2-4 in Bus Operator’s Handbook.  

Lines 4-5 — please reference with pp. 2-4 in Knox County Bus Operators Handbook.  

NOTE: All IDEA and 504 students’ IEP’s, 504 Plans, Behavior Management plans, etc. supersedes bus discipline rules and procedures. 

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