AP-J-281 Alternative School Services


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Category: Procedure:
Students  Alternative School Services 
Descriptor Code: Issued Date: Revised Date:
AP-J-281 October 2003   
  1. Students that receive a short term suspension of four (4) days or less will be allowed to make up any work or assignments missed during the suspension. The student will be given three (3) school days after returning to school in which to complete all make-up assignments. Students not completing assignments within the three (3) day period will receive zero (0) for each assignment not turned in. 
  2. Students suspended for five (5) to ten (10) days will not receive alternative school placement. However, these students will be given assignments to complete for each class during the suspension. If the student does not understand or needs help/assistance with the assignments, the student may attend the Night Alternative Program (high school students only), with principal permission, to receive help with the assignments. All work must be completed and turned in when the student returns to school at the end of the suspension or the student will receive zero (0) for each assignment not turned in.
  3. Students suspended for eleven (11) to twenty (20) days shall be offered placement in the Night Alternative School Program at the base school.
  4. Students suspended over twenty (20) days may be offered placement in the Richard Yoakley Alternative School or the Karns Annex Alternative School, if space is available. If space is not available, the student may be assigned to the Night Alternative Program at the base school until space becomes available at the Richard Yoakley Alternative School or the Karns Annex Alternative School or until the suspension has been completed.
  5. A student who commits a zero tolerance violation (such as possession of marijuana or prescription drugs that does not involve other students) may be offered alternative school placement. The student may be assigned to the Night Alternative program at the base school until an assignment can be made to the Zero Tolerance Classroom at the Richard Yoakley School or at the Karns Annex. Placement at the Richard Yoakley School or Karns Annex will be for the duration of the expulsion from the base school.
  6. When a student is assigned to the Night Alternative School Program, the student’s regular classroom teachers will submit a weekly assignment sheet for that student to the Alternative School Program. The alternative school teacher will facilitate the student’s assignment and return the completed assignment to the regular classroom teacher.
  7. A student who commits a zero tolerance violation (such as possession of a gun, battery on a school employee) may be recommended (at the discretion of the Superintendent) for alternative school placement. A student who commits a second (2nd) zero tolerance violation may, at the discretion of the Superintendent, be recommended for placement in the Alternative Program.
  8. The preceding procedures, with the exception of section five (5), will be followed for admission to the Alternative Educational Program in collaboration with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Knoxville. When a student is assigned to this Alternative Program, the assignment will be for the duration of the suspension or expulsion. 

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