B-164 - Voting Method


Updated at January 21st, 2025

Section B:



School Board Operations

Knox County Board of Education Policy

Descriptor Term:


Voting Method 

Descriptor Code:








A formal vote shall be taken on any question brought before the Board and the decision shall be made on the basis of a majority of the elected membership voting “aye” or “nay” when a quorum exists, except when a rule or statute requires otherwise.  Abstentions, passes, and such other responses shall not be counted in determining whether a motion passes or fails.

All votes shall be by public vote or public ballot (including electronic ballot) or public roll call. No secret votes, or secret ballots, or secret roll calls shall be allowed. 

  • “Public vote” means a vote in which the “aye” faction vocally expresses its will in unison and in which the “nay” faction, subsequently, vocally expresses its will in unison.
  • “Public Ballot” may include a written ballot or electronic ballot only when the vote of each member is clearly audible and/or visible to the public and each member’s vote is recorded in the minutes. 

Roll call votes will be used upon the request of any Board member. The person chairing the meeting shall have a vote on all matters voted on by the Board.

A majority vote of all members of the Board is required for passage (not simply a majority of a quorum). 




Legal References:  

1. Tennessee Supreme Court, Collins v. Janey, 147 Tennessee 477 (1922); T.C.A. § 49-2-202(g). 
2. T.C.A. § 8-44-104(b). 
3. Tennessee Supreme Court, Reeder v. Trotter, 142 Tennessee 37 (1919). 

Approved as to Legal Form 
By Knox County Law Director 1/11/2024 
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director 

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