B-171 - Complaints and Appeals to the Board

Written By Zack Brewer

Updated at January 21st, 2025

Section B:



School Board Operations

Knox County Board of Education Policy

Descriptor Term:


Complaints and Appeals to the Board

Descriptor Code:









All complaints should be channeled through the appropriate supervisory chain of responsibility before being brought to the Board.  Employees of the Knox County Schools should refer to Policy G-130 for information regarding complaints and/or grievances.  Other individuals or groups should follow the processes as outlined below. 

Families, community members, students, and Knox County Schools staff may contact the KCS Office of the Ombudsman at any time to see assistance in navigating or facilitating a complaint or concern.

Complaints regarding an instructional program should first be addressed to:  

(1) the appropriate teacher(s); 
(2) the principal or the assistant principal; 
(3) the appropriate supervisor or director; 
(4) the appropriate Assistant Superintendent; and  
(5) the Director of Schools.

Complaints regarding transportation, food service, pupil personnel, and operational procedures should be first be addressed to: 

(1) the principal or the assistant principal; 
(2) the appropriate supervisor or director; 
(3) the appropriate Assistant Superintendent; and  
(4) the Director of Schools.

The complainant must attempt to resolve a complaint before the matter is elevated to the next level. 

After completion of these processes, if the individual or group still believes a complaint has not been satisfactorily addressed, a request may be made for the complaint to be heard by the Board using the following process: 

  1. The complaint must be submitted in writing to the Director of Schools not later than 12:00 noon, seven (7) days prior to a regular meeting of the Board. 
  2. The written complaint should include an accurate account of the steps which have already been taken to remedy the situation. 
  3. Persons making a complaint should appear before the Board at the first regular meeting following the filing of the written complaint or at a special meeting called by the Board. 
  4. Groups of complainants should delegate one member to serve as spokesperson for their complaint. 
  5. The Board will render a decision on complaints that have followed the proper process as outlined above, as soon as possible after receiving the complaint.

The Board reserves the right to ask the spokesperson making the complaint to appear again for further discussion or clarification.  

If someone insists upon being heard without following the above procedures as set forth by the Board, the Chair, acting on behalf of the Board as a whole, has the authority to call the person or persons out of order and insist that they follow Board policies concerning complaints as outlined above. 


Certain matters relating to the operation of the school system may be appealed to the Board.  However, the Board desires that all matters be settled at the lowest level of responsibility and will not hear complaints or concerns which have not advanced through the proper administrative procedure from the point of origin.  

If all administrative channels have been exhausted and there is still a desire to appeal to the Board, the matter shall be referred in writing and the Board shall determine whether to hear the appeal. 



Approved as to Legal Form 
By Knox County Law Director 1/11/2024 
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director

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