Section c:
General School Administration |
Knox County Board of Education Policy |
Descriptor Term:
Lines of Authority and |
Descriptor Code: C-110 |
Issued: 7/95 |
Reviewed: 11/24 |
Revised: 10/11 |
The Board authorizes the Director of Schools to establish efficient organizational lines of authority and
staff relations which shall be communicated to employees.
All personnel are expected to keep their immediate supervisor informed of their activities and shall refer
matters requiring administrative action to the administrator to whom they directly report. That administrator shall refer such matters to the next higher administrative authority when necessary.
An employee may request that a decision made at any level be reviewed through the appropriate lines of
authority and ultimately to the Director of Schools, should that be necessary.
Lines of authority do not restrict the cooperative and collaborative relationships between and among staff members. The lines of authority should serve to enhance the management, oversight and the decision making processes within, between and among staff departments and schools.
Approved as to Legal Form
By Knox County Law Director 1/11/2024
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director