Section E:
Business Management |
Knox County Board of Education Policy |
Descriptor Term:
Buildings and Grounds Management |
Descriptor Code: E-110 |
Issued: 7/95 |
Reviewed: 3/24 |
Revised: 3/23 |
All school properties shall be maintained in good physical condition: safe, clean, sanitary, and as
comfortable and convenient as the facilities will permit or the use requires.
The Director of Schools shall develop and implement a continuing program of maintenance of all district-owned buildings and grounds which shall provide for the following:
- Adequate custodial programs for all schools;
- Improvement and maintenance of school buildings and grounds;
- Repairs, including repairs of equipment, and painting; and
- Determination of obsolete equipment.
The following are responsibilities of building principals:
- To oversee the operation of the school plant and require that personnel assigned to the building keep it in a clean, healthful, and pleasant condition;
- To make continuing checks for hazardous conditions, including safety and operation of
equipment, and prevention of hazardous situations caused by carelessness; and - To request, on a timely basis, appropriate maintenance and repairs through appropriate channels.
Principals or teachers shall not alter or have changed any part of the school building, including room
numbers, or school furniture without approval of the Director of Schools or the Director’s designee.
Approved as to Legal Form
By Knox County Law Director 1/13/2023
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director