Section E:
Business Management |
Knox County Board of Education Policy |
Descriptor Term:
Risk Management |
Descriptor Code: E-124 |
Issued: 7/95 |
Reviewed: 3/24 |
Revised: 5/23 |
It shall be the responsibility of the Director of Schools to develop an appropriate safety program for the
school system. The Board shall budget sufficiently for its implementation.
The Director of Schools shall designate a professional staff person who shall be responsible for the
promotion and development of a prevention and safety education program for students and personnel
employed by the school system. This person shall be given authority and title commensurate with the task and shall answer directly to the Director of Schools or the Director’s designee. The general areas of
responsibilities include, but are not limited to, in-service training, development of accident prevention
procedures, accident record keeping, facility inspection, driver education, vehicle safety programs, fire
prevention, emergency preparedness plan and traffic safety problems related to employees, students and the community.
Approved as to Legal Form
By Knox County Law Department 3/27/2023
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director