E-150 Security of School Property


Updated at January 21st, 2025

Section E:



Business Management

Knox County Board of Education Policy

Descriptor Term:


Security of School Property

Descriptor Code:








The Director of Schools shall establish procedures as required to adequately protect school property which shall include, but not be limited to:

  1. Closing and securing teacher work areas when being left unattended or at the end of the day;
  2. Denying students permission to use the classrooms, laboratories, gymnasiums or other school
    facilities or equipment without appropriate faculty supervision;
  3. Controlling the issuance of building keys and master keys; and
  4. Developing programs which contribute to the proper care and use of school facilities and

The principal shall notify law enforcement officials and the School Security Division in cases involving trespassing, illegal entry, theft, vandalism and other suspicious or criminal activity.

The principal shall notify the Director of Schools or the Director’s designee after each case of trespassing, vandalism, theft, building damage and illegal entry and other criminal activity. In the event assets are damaged or stolen, the principal shall notify the District Property Manager in addition to notifying the Director of Schools or the Director’s designee.

The Director of Schools, or the Director’s designee, is authorized to sign a criminal complaint and to press charges against perpetrators of vandalism against school property. 




Approved as to Legal Form
By Knox County Law Director 1/27/2023
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director


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