E-190 Food Service Management


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Section E:



Business Management

Knox County Board of Education Policy

Descriptor Term:


School Nutrition Management

Descriptor Code:








School food service shall be operated on a nonprofit basis and shall comply with all rules and regulations pertaining to health, sanitation, internal accounting procedures, and service of foods and shall meet all state and federal1 requirements necessary for participation.

The system’s School Nutrition Director or coordinator shall oversee the program. All products and services necessary for the operation of the School Nutrition Department shall be procured under the direction of the School Nutrition Department.

School Nutrition receipts shall be used only to pay regular School Nutrition operating costs. When food service facilities are used by outside agencies, an adequate fee approved by the Board shall be charged and the manager shall ensure that no USDA commodities or supplies provided for the regular program are used.

The principal shall correlate the School Nutrition program with areas of instruction.

Students shall be permitted to bring their lunches from home and to purchase beverages and incidental items at school.


The criteria and procedures for determining a student’s need and steps in securing for students no-cost or reduced-cost lunches as established at the state/federal level will be outlined and made known by the principal and the School Nutrition Department.

Students who participate in no-cost or reduced-cost meals will not be distinguished in any way from students who pay the regular price. Their names will not be made known to any person except such staff member(s) as needed to make the special arrangements for them.


The sale of all competitive food and beverages to students during school hours must comply with current state and federal regulations concerning competitive foods. 1

Competitive foods, including but not limited to food and beverages sold in vending machines shall be controlled so that they shall not encourage poor eating habits and they shall follow the Smart Snacks in Schools nutritional standards, as referenced in Board Policy I-440.

Schools may operate vending machines for employee use only in employee areas which are off limits to students.


Principals, jointly with the School Nutrition Department, shall be responsible for implementing regulations from the Department of Health and seeing that school cafeterias meet acceptable standards of cleanliness at all times.


Knox County Schools implements "Offer vs. Serve" for lunch in all high schools and middle schools. Each elementary school will have the option of implementing the "Offer vs. Serve" method if they so desire. In accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations, students must choose at least three (3) of the five (5) components offered, and one component must be a fruit or vegetable.2

Knox County Schools implements "Offer vs. Serve" for breakfast, at all grade levels. In accordance with USDA regulations, students must choose three (3) items, and one item must be a fruit or vegetable.3

Legal Reference:

  1. State Board of Education Rule 0520-01-06; 7 CFR § 210.11.
  2. 7 CFR § 210.10(e).
  3. 7 CFR § 220.8(e).

Cross Reference:


Approved as to Legal Form
By Knox County Law Director 3/18/2024
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director

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