F-140 - Naming Facilities


Updated at October 11th, 2024

Section F:



Facility Expansion Program

Knox County Board of Education Policy

Descriptor Term:


Naming Facilities 

Descriptor Code:








The Board of Education shall approve the name of all the Knox County Schools facilities or portions of facilities. The removal of a name or the re-naming of facilities or portions of facilities shall also require Board approval.

All requests to name facilities or portions of facilities shall first be submitted to the Board of Education Naming Facilities Committee.  The Naming Facilities Committee shall consist of three Board of Education members who will be appointed to one-year terms by the Chair of the Board of Education with confirmation by the Board of Education. The Naming Facilities Committee shall convene as soon as practicable after its appointment and elect a Chair. The Naming Facilities Committee will make recommendations regarding the naming of facilities or portions of facilities to the Board of Education for consideration. 

The naming of schools or portions of a facility shall conform to the following conventions:   

  1. A high school will generally be named according to the area in which the building is located, except when such naming would not be applicable or appropriate.  
  2. Discrete portions of school facilities such as laboratories, auditoriums, libraries, gymnasiums, stadiums, athletic facilities, or individual buildings may be named with the approval of the Board of Education. 

While this policy shall not prohibit the naming of school facilities for individuals or organizations associated with not-for-profit, for-profit, governmental, or educational entities, in no case shall such naming promote the commercial or monetary interests of said individual or organization. 

If a school or portion thereof is to be named for an individual who has made a contribution in the field of education or to local, state or federal government, the individual shall no longer be active in the field of education or government, respectively. 




Cross Reference: 

  • Knox County Board of Education Policies B-110 and B-140. 

Approved as to Legal Form 
By Knox County Law Department 3/18/2024 
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director 

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