G-260 - Extended Contracts


Updated at January 21st, 2025

Section G:



Human Resources

Knox County Board of Education Policy

Descriptor Term:


Extended Contracts 

Descriptor Code:








Annually, the Director of Schools shall be responsible for conducting a needs assessment to determine the focus of extended contract activities. The needs assessment shall be conducted by an extended contract committee, which shall advise on or certify to the need for specific programs served through extended contracts. The committees shall consist of teachers and administrators, Career Level III and II teachers where possible, as determined by the Board.

Extended contract opportunities shall be available to all educators, provided Career Level III and II educators are given priority of opportunity.

The Director of Schools shall be responsible for devising a plan for Board approval consistent with the needs assessment. The plan shall include as a minimum: 

Extended contract opportunities shall be available to all educators, provided Career Level III and II educators are given priority of opportunity.

The Director of Schools shall be responsible for devising a plan for Board approval consistent with the needs assessment. The plan shall include as a minimum:

  1. A description of each program and a discussion of the benefits of the program as required by state law;
  2. Time frames within which the program(s) will be operated;
  3. The number of students who will benefit from the program;
  4. A list of additional duties which may be assigned to Career Level educators at each Career Level;
  5. The number and special qualifications of employees desired for each program; and
  6. Local costs to be involved in the program.




Legal Reference:  

1. T.C.A. § 49-5-5209

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