Section G:
Human Resources |
Knox County Board of Education Policy |
Descriptor Term:
Time Schedules and Extra Duty |
Descriptor Code: G-440 |
Issued: 6/00 |
Reviewed: 6/24 |
Revised: 8/17 |
Teachers shall be on duty at least seven and three-quarter (7¾) hours each day, including a duty-free lunch period and additional time as the administrative organization requires. Additional time may include faculty meetings, in-service programs, committee meetings, general meetings, conferences, school sponsored activities, and other extra duties before and after the established instructional day.
Extra duties shall be fairly distributed among the staff. At least one (1) principal or teacher must be on the school grounds when a bus arrives and at least one (1) principal or teacher must remain after the close of the school day until all buses depart.
An unencumbered schedule for any teacher includes time for planning, student and/or parent conferences, and preparation for effective teaching and attention to major program improvement. All full-time classroom teachers shall be provided individual duty-free planning periods during the established instructional day of at least two and one-half (2 ½) hours each week.
Legal References:
1. TRR/MS 0520-1-3-.03(1).
2. TRR/MS 0520-1-3-.03(4).
Approved as to Legal Form
By Knox County Law Director 6/27/2017
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director