G-470 - Substitute Teachers


Updated at October 15th, 2024

In This Article:

Section G:



Human Resources

Knox County Board of Education Policy

Descriptor Term:


Substitute Teachers

Descriptor Code:








Substitute teachers are those teachers used to replace teachers on leave or to fill temporary vacancies.1,2 All substitute teachers shall be employed and paid by the Board.2

Substitute teachers with a valid teaching license will be indicated on the substitute list. For planned absences, a substitute with a teacher's certificate shall be selected from the preferred list if possible.3 Each principal shall be provided names of all approved substitute teachers.

All substitutes shall be responsible for providing correct addresses and phone numbers and for notifying Human Resources if they wish to terminate their service as substitutes.  

When a teacher is unable to meet classes for any reason, the following procedures shall be observed:

  1. The teacher shall notify the principal or his or her designee as soon as possible;
  2. The principal or his or her designee shall secure a qualified substitute teacher who has been approved by the Director of Schools;1 and
  3. The regular teacher shall notify the principal the day before intending to return to the classroom; upon receipt of notice the principal shall notify the substitute teacher.  

Substitute teachers shall assume the same responsibilities as the regular teacher, including bus duty and playground supervision.

When substituting for a regular teacher who has been absent for twenty (20) consecutive days, a substitute teacher must possess a teaching certificate with endorsement in the discipline(s) to be taught.3 When substituting for a teacher without sick leave, the substitute shall be certified and paid according to the state salary schedule.1

Retired teachers may substitute one hundred twenty (120) days per year without loss of retirement benefits, and may substitute additional days if the Director of Schools certifies to the division of retirement that no other qualified personnel are available to substitute teach during such period, and that the compensation payable to the retired member for such work does not exceed the rate of compensation set by the school system for substitute teachers filling similar vacant positions.

All teacher aides, secretaries and clerks are approved substitute teachers for use in emergency situations. Emergency use shall be defined as less than a full day due to the regular or substitute teacher being unable to arrive on time or remain for the full day.

Such substitutes shall receive the proportionate equivalent salary regular substitute teachers would receive under similar circumstances or their regular salary, if higher; however, they shall not receive pay for both positions at the same time.

In order to make the work of the substitute teacher as satisfactory as possible, the regular teacher shall make available:

  1. Daily schedule (academic and supervisory);
  2. Class rosters; and
  3. Lesson plans and other information for the day’s activities. In case of emergency when plans are not provided, the principal shall provide the substitute with directions for the day. 

All substitute teachers shall be given a copy of the local school's guidelines on the first day they substitute in the school. These guidelines shall contain, but shall not be limited to:

  1. Attendance procedures;
  2. Lunchroom schedule and procedures;
  3. Procedures for supervising student behavior;
  4. Names and assignments of regular staff members;
  5. Emergency evacuation procedures; and
  6. Other helpful information particular to the local school.

The Director of Schools, with input from the principals, shall determine which substitute teachers performed at an acceptable level. Substitute teachers who performed below an acceptable level shall not be recommended for continuing service.


Substitute teachers are required to complete qualifications and training, including:

  1. The annual school safety training required by T.C.A. § 49-6-805(7) or other instruction on emergency response procedures developed by the Knox County Board of Education and Knox County Schools; and
  2. Background check requirements pursuant to T.C.A. § 49-5-413.

Knox County Schools may not employ or contract with any substitute teacher whose records indicate an educator license or certificate in this state or another state currently in revoked or suspended status.5

Legal References:  

1. TRR/MS 0520-1-2-.04(6). 

2. T.C.A. § 49-5-709. 

3. T.C.A. § 49-3-312; TRR/MS 0520-1-2-.04(6). 

4. T.C.A. § 8-36-805.    

5. T.C.A. § 49-2-203(a)(14).


Approved as to Legal Form 
By Knox County Law Department 8/16/2024 
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director

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