Section G:
Human Resources |
Knox County Board of Education Policy |
Descriptor Term:
Non-School Activities of Classified Personnel |
Descriptor Code: G-580 |
Issued: 7/95 |
Reviewed: 6/24 |
Revised: 6/12 |
Employees may hold employment outside the school system and continue in the employ of the Knox County Schools provided such employment does not interfere with their regularly scheduled or appropriately assigned duties for the school system, or reflect unfavorably on the school system.
The Knox County Schools personnel may, on their own time, campaign for or against any candidate or ballot initiative, but they shall not use the schools for political forum nor engage in any political promotion or solicitation during school hours. Employees who do not comply with these requirements shall be subject to disciplinary action. Any employee who intends to campaign for an elective public office which infringes upon an employment agreement or work schedule shall present a proposed solution to the Director of Schools for consideration. The essential element to be determined by the Director of Schools is whether the activities proposed by the employee are consistent with services to the system and are in the best interest of education.