I-121 Enrollment in College Level Courses


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Section I:



Instructional Goals and Objectives

Knox County Board of Education Policy

Descriptor Term:


Enrollment in College Level Courses

Descriptor Code:








High school students who are in good standing may earn high school credit by enrolling in college level
courses at an institution of higher education.

The institution shall be accredited by the state or by a state-approved accrediting agency. In order to
qualify for college credit, a student shall:

  1. Meet all the requirements for dual credit/enrollment of the college/university;
  2. Include the college level courses in a graduation plan endorsed by school counseling personnel as appropriate;
  3. Complete a dual enrollment form at the high school and obtain signatures from the principal and
    school counselor;
  4. Agree to assume any additional financial, textbook, and/or equipment costs associated with the
    college level course;
  5. Obtain acceptance of the college admissions officer and complete course registration in
    conjunction with the school counseling personnel; and
  6. Continue to be enrolled in their base high school.

Upon receipt of the course grade transmitted directly from the institution of higher education, the high
school shall grant credit on a term-to-term basis. Such grades shall be included in the computation of the
student's cumulative grade-point average as consistent with the district's grading policy.




Legal Reference:

  1. TRR/MS 0520-1-3-.06(4)(b).

Approved as to Legal Form
By Knox County Law Director 8/16/2023
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director

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