I-130 Work-Based Learning


Updated at October 15th, 2024

Section I:



Instructional Goals and Objectives

Knox County Board of Education Policy

Descriptor Term:


Work-Based Learning 

Descriptor Code:








Credit-bearing work-based learning activities are intended to serve as a capstone experience by which students can pursue the goals laid out in their required Plan of Study. Students practice and demonstrate the professional skills that are most valued by employers and postsecondary institutions and compile a portfolio of work samples and references that serve as evidence of their abilities. The Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) policies address stand-alone credit-bearing experiences such as, but not limited to Apprenticeships, Clinical Internships, Service Learning classes, and Supervised Agriculture Experience.

Knox County Schools will follow all TDOE General Policies for Credit-Bearing Work-Based Learning (WBL). The policies establish minimum general requirements for any credit-bearing work-based learning

Relation to Student’s Plan of Study and Graduation Requirements: 

Capstone WBL experiences and training must be aligned with the student’s updated Plan of Study as required in State Board of Education (SBE) High School Policy, equate to a full-time equivalent credit, meet the standards of the Career Practicum or other WBL course in which they are enrolled, and facilitate intentional progress toward the attainment of knowledge and skills necessary to pursue the student’s postsecondary and career goals.

Participating students must be on track to meet the requirements for graduation or program completion
as adopted by the State Board and may earn WBL credit over the summer term as long as all WBL program requirements are met.

Students participating in WBL activities must be at least 16 years of age.

Students must demonstrate a 90% attendance rate unless otherwise agreed upon prior to the start of the WBL experience and deemed acceptable to the workplace mentor and WBL Coordinator.

Students must exhibit work readiness attitudes and skills as determined by the teacher and employer and consistent with the Tennessee Department of Education WBL Policy and Implementation Guides before beginning a WBL experience (SBE High School Policy 2.103). Students may use their 865 Ready Portrait of a Graduate Portfolios as evidence of their attitudes and skills. 

If a student is enrolled in a capstone WBL placement for credit, the time spent at the WBL placement may be considered school enrollment time as outlined in the TDOE Student Membership and Attendance Procedures Manual.

The capstone WBL course, Work-Based Learning: Career Practicum, may be used as the third or fourth course for any Career and Technical Education (CTE) Program of Study or area of elective focus, but it does not count toward CTE concentrator status. Students may earn up to six (6) credits per school year in Work-Based Learning: Career Practicum during their junior and senior years. At least one (1) credit must be earned through related classroom experience, which must include a minimum of two (2) periods per week of classroom instruction. A minimum of five (5) hours per week of supervised work experience is required for one additional credit, and a minimum of ten (10) hours per week is required for two (2) additional credits.

Students in capstone WBL experiences should earn credit through the Career Practicum course or another appropriate WBL clinical or practicum course code.1

Students earning credits for work experience must be supervised by a certified work-based learning coordinator. Work-based learning programs must adhere to all state and federal child labor laws.

Prior approval must be obtained by the CTE Director or Special Education Director, respectively, before students can be placed in occupations that require use of the Hazardous Occupations Exemption Form.

Knox County Schools will follow the Work-Based Learning Policy Guide established by the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) which includes the policies for the implementation of credit- bearing work-based learning experiences.

Legal Reference: 

1. T.C.A. § 49-11-909. 

Approved as to Legal Form 

By Knox County Law Director 8/16/2024 

/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director

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