I-211 Selection of Instructional Materials Other than Textbooks


Updated at July 31st, 2024

Section I:



Instructional Goals and Objectives

Knox County Board of Education Policy

Descriptor Term:


Selection of Instructional Materials Other Than Textbooks

Descriptor Code:








Teachers, school administrators, and instructional supervisors/specialists will work together to select appropriate standards-aligned instructional materials. Such materials could include (but are not limited to) books, magazines, newspapers, journals, and video, audio, digital, and web resources. Per T.C.A. § 49-6-2206, schools may not use any textbooks or instructional materials upon any subject to the exclusion of the textbooks and instructional materials listed by the Tennessee Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission and approved by the State Board of Education.1,2 

Selection of instructional materials will be based on the criteria listed below and should be continuously re-evaluated in relation to changing curriculum content, pedagogical research, and the needs of students, teachers, and administrators. 

All resources used during a course of study, in conjunction with school-wide activities, or available for students’ individual choice use will be openly disclosed to parents/legal guardians and other stakeholders sufficiently in advance of their use with students for parents to request an alternate assignment should they have a concern about the selected materials.  Alternate assignments will receive the same level of instructional and assessment rigor as the primary assignment.  Instructional materials prescribed within the established curricula for Advanced Placement, dual enrollment, dual credit and International Baccalaureate Programme courses are on a post-secondary level and are considered appropriate for this level of academic endeavor. Enrollment in these courses constitutes acceptance of the instructional program.  Alternate assignments will not generally be available for this level of coursework. 

The Director of Schools will establish an administrative procedure for review and selection of materials subject to this policy. Particular attention will be paid to addressing the suitability and age-appropriateness of instructional materials that include content which might be considered sensitive by parents or students (for example, materials that contain coarse language, graphic violence, explicit sexual content, illegal use of drugs or alcohol). Information specific to materials accessible to students through school libraries, in compliance with the Age-Appropriate Materials Act and T.C.A. § 39-17-901,3 is found in Board Policy I-241 “School Libraries” and its accompanying administrative procedure. The Director of Schools will also establish a procedure for the reconsideration of approved materials as may be requested by parents or staff members, in accordance with Board Policy I-212 “Reconsideration of Instructional Materials and Textbooks.”  


  • Educational purpose (as defined by state standards) aligned with the Tennessee Academic Standards and upholding the aspects of rigor and measures of student accountability
  • Contribution the subject matter makes to the curriculum and to the interests of the students
  • Appropriateness to social, emotional, and intellectual level of intended audience
  • Favorable reviews found in standard selection sources
  • Favorable recommendations based on preview and examination of materials by professional personnel
  • Reputation and significance of the author, producer, and publisher
  •  Validity, currency, and appropriateness of the material
  • Contribution each material makes to the breadth of representative viewpoints on controversial issues offered by the materials collection as a whole
  • High degree of potential user appeal
  • High artistic quality and/or literary style
  • Quality and variety of format
  • Value commensurate with cost and/or need
  • Timeliness or permanence of the content 


Legal References:

  1. T.C.A.§ 49-1-905.
  2. T.C.A.§ 49-6-2206.
  3. T.C.A.§ 49-6-3803 and T.C.A.§ 39-17-1901

Cross Reference: 

  • Knox County Board of Education Policy I-212 “Reconsideration of Instructional Materials and Textbooks.”
  • Knox County Board of Education Policy I-241 “School Libraries.”
  • Knox County Schools Administrative Procedure AP-I-211 “Selection of Instructional Materials Other Than Textbooks.” .

Approved as to Legal Form
By Knox County Law Director 7/1/2024 
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director

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