I-351 Credit Recovery


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Section I:



Instructional Goals and Objectives

Knox County Board of Education Policy

Descriptor Term:


Credit Recovery

Descriptor Code:








Credit Recovery is a course-specific, skill-based, extended learning opportunity for students who have
previously been unsuccessful in mastering the content or skills required to receive course credit or earn
promotion. It’s primary purpose is to help students who encounter situations beyond their control (i.e.
illness, death of a family member, family issues, etc.), stay in school and graduate on time.


Students may be eligible for credit recovery if they meet the following criteria:

  1. The student’s parent or legal guardian gives written consent for the student to enroll in the
    proposed credit recovery course. Parents/legal guardians should be informed that not all
    postsecondary institutions will accept credit recovery courses for credit and that the NCAA
    Clearinghouse may not accept credit recovery courses for credit.
  2. The student has previously taken an initial, regular section of the proposed course, received a
    grade of not less than fifty percent (50%), and the teacher of record for the failed course has no
    3. In cases where the teacher objects to the student taking a credit recovery course, a school support team shall be convened to make a final determination of the student’s eligibility. The majority of the school support team should be comprised of classroom teachers who are familiar with the student’s current level of academic performance.

If a student is seeking to recover credit for the first semester of a two-semester course, the student may
not receive full credit for the course until the student has enrolled in and passed the second semester of
the course and taken any applicable End of Course examinations.

Student progress will be evaluated at the end of each semester. Students may be removed from credit
recovery if adequate progress is not being made.

Knox County Schools shall track and designate students enrolled in credit recovery courses and programs in compliance with state guidelines.


  1. Credit recovery teachers of record must be endorsed and certified in any content area(s) for which they teach or otherwise facilitate credit recovery courses.
  2. Credit recovery teachers of record must work closely with credit recovery facilitators on class
    content and instruction.
  3. Credit recovery facilitators will receive training with regard to the credit recovery course
    organization, online instruction management, and related technology.
  4. All credit recovery courses shall align with Tennessee’s current academic standards for the
    relevant course content areas.
  5. All credit recovery courses shall be able to differentiate instruction to address individual student
    growth needs based on diagnostic assessment or End of Course data.
  6. Credit recovery content may be delivered through instructional technology.
  7. Students in credit recovery programs shall:
    1. Complete a course skill-specific diagnostic exam to determine skill-specific goals.
    2. Meet individual skill-specific goals in a flexible timeframe as established by student need.
    3. Master all individualized skill-specific goals as established by the diagnostic process in order
      to receive credit.
  8. Students may earn no more than 7 credits in credit recovery courses.
  9. Students may enroll in no more than 2 credit recovery courses at one time.


The following applies for students enrolled in credit recovery courses that have a state EOC:

  1. If a student has already taken the state EOC and made a grade of 65% or above, that score may
    be used for final calculation of the credit recovery grade.
  2. If there is no EOC score on record, the student is required to take the ZZ exam which is embedded
    in the course.

For credit recovery courses that do not have a state EOC, students will take the mastery test embedded in the course upon completion of the course content.


The grade for credit recovery courses (not the final grade for the transcript) is calculated as follows: 25%
from the original grade, the EOC percent will match the percentage used for all other courses, and the
remaining percentage comes from the average of the credit recovery activities and quizzes.


Beginning with grades issued in the 2022-2023 school year and continuing thereafter, students passing
credit recovery courses shall receive a grade of sixty percent (60%) under the state uniform grading
system.1 Students passing credit recovery prior to the 2022-2023 school year will show a grade of 70
percent (70%).

The student transcript shall denote that the credit was attained through credit recovery. The original
failing grade may also be listed on the transcript but shall not factor into the student’s GPA, in accordance with the State Board of Education’s Uniform Grading Policy 3.301.



Legal Reference:

  1. TSBE High School Policy 2.103, part VII (5).

Approved as to Legal Form
By Knox County Law Director 8/21/2023
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director

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