J-130 Home Schools


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Section J:




Knox County Board of Education

Descriptor Term:


Home Schools

Descriptor Code:








A parent wishing to conduct a home school shall meet the following requirements:

  1. Provide annual notice to the Director of Schools prior to each school year of the parent-teacher’s 
    intent to conduct a home school by completing an Intent to Home School form and, for purpose 
    of reporting only, submission to the Director of Schools of the names, number, ages and grade 
    levels of children to be home schooled, the location of the school, the proposed curriculum to be 
    offered, the proposed hours of instruction and the qualifications of the parent-teacher; 
  2. Maintain attendance records, subject to inspection of the local Director of Schools; 
  3. Submit attendance records to the Director of Schools at the end of the school year; 
  4. Provide instruction for at least four (4) hours per day for the same number of instructional days as  are required by state law for public schools; 
  5. Possess a high school diploma or GED; 
  6. Cooperate in the administration to home school students of appropriate tests by the Commissioner  of Education, his designee or by a professional testing service; 
  7. Take action according to state law if home school student falls behind appropriate grade level; 
  8. Submit proof to the Director of Schools that other health services and examinations as required 
    by law have been received by the home school student; and 
  9. In the event of illness or inadequacy of the home school parent-teacher to teach a specific subject,  employ a tutor having the same qualifications as required of parent-teacher.

If one or more of these requirements are not met, the Board authorizes the Director of Schools to take 
formal action to bring the child into compliance with the Compulsory Attendance Law (until the child 
has reached age 18), either in the home school or in a public, private or church-related school.

Public school facilities shall not be available for home school instruction. 
The Director of Schools, through the Attendance Supervisor, shall have the attendance records of the 
home school inspected at the end of each school year in order to provide assistance in implementing the  Compulsory Attendance Law.

If a home school student falls more than one (1) year behind his or her appropriate grade level in his or 
her comprehensive test score for two (2) consecutive tests, and if a certified teacher who would have 
taught the child at his or her grade level determines through appropriate means that the student is not learning disabled, the Director of Schools may require the parents to enroll the child in a public, nonpublic or church-related school.

A home school student shall be required to be enrolled in a Knox County high school a minimum of two 
semesters to be eligible for graduation and to receive a Knox County high school diploma.

Home school students transferring to a Knox County high school shall be tested for placement, and if 
appropriate, awarding of Carnegie units of credit. The Board of Education requires the tests used for 
students transferring from other (public) school systems or private schools to be administered to students  transferring to the Knox County system from church-related schools and/or home school arrangements.

Knox County Schools recognizes and respects the parents' right to homeschool; however, parent request  for part-time access to Knox County Schools will be denied. Full-time attendance will be required of all 
students enrolled in Knox County unless determined otherwise by an Individual Education Plan decision.


As participants in the Tennessee Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC), the Knox County 
Schools shall honor the National Defense Authorization Act of 2020 with respect to home school 
students’ participation in JROTC Programs within public schools. Request for home school students 
inclusion into JROTC Programs will be on a case-by-case basis at the participating secondary institution 
where the student would be zoned.



Legal References:

  1.  T.C.A. §49-6-3001(c). 
    2. T.C.A. § 49-6-3050(b). 
    3. TRR/MS § 0520-07-02-.01. 
    4. T.C.A. § 49-6-3050(b)(2). 
    5. T.C.A. § 49-6-3050(b)(6)(C). 
    6. T.C.A. § 49-50-801 (c)(d). 
    7. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020, Pub. L. No 116-92. S. 1790, 116th Congress (2019).

Approved as to Legal Form 
By Knox County Law Director 10/31/2023 
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director

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