Section J:
Students |
Knox County Board of Education |
Descriptor Term:
Rights and Responsibilities |
Descriptor Code: J-180 |
Issued: 7/95 |
Reviewed: 11/24 |
Revised: 12/24 |
The Board expects all school staff, students and parents to assume the responsibility for appropriate behaviors in the school.
Each student has the right to:
- Have the opportunity for a free education in the most appropriate learning environment;
- Be secure in his person, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizure;
- Expect that the school will be a safe place;
- Have an appropriate environment conducive to learning;
- Not be discriminated against on any basis, including but not limited to all applicable federal and state laws regarding protected classes;1-7
- Be fully informed of school rules and regulations.
Each student has the responsibility to:8
- Know and adhere to reasonable rules and regulations established by the Board;
- Respect the human dignity and worth of every other individual;
- Refrain from libel, slanderous remarks, and obscenity in verbal and written expression;
- Study and maintain the best possible level of academic achievement;
- Be punctual and present in the regular school program;
- Dress and groom in a manner that meets reasonable standards of health, cleanliness, modesty and safety;
- Maintain and/or improve the school environment, preserve school and private property, and exercise care while using school facilities;
- Refrain from behavior which would lead to physical or emotional harm or disrupts the educational process;
- Respect the authority of school administrators, teachers and other authorized personnel in maintaining discipline in the school and at school-sponsored activities;
- Obey the law and school rules as to the possession or the use of alcohol, illegal drugs and other unauthorized substances or materials; and
- Possess on school grounds only those materials which are acceptable under the law and accept the consequences for any illicit materials found on their person or maintained in personal storage (ex: locker, vehicle, etc.).
Legal Reference:
- T.C.A. § 49-5-103(b)(10).
2. U.S.C. § 12101.
3. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
4. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
5. Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
6. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
7. First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
8. T.C.A. § 49-6-2904.
Cross References:
- Knox County Board of Education Policy J-110 Equal Educational Opportunities.
- Knox County Board of Education Policy C-260 Sexual Harassment and Sex-Based Discrimination.
Approved as to Legal Form
By Knox County Law Director 12/4/2024
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director