J-123 Summer School Attendance


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Section J:




Knox County Board of Education

Descriptor Term:


Summer School Attendance

Descriptor Code:








In accordance with T.C.A. § 49-6-3115, rising fourth-grade students who are required/eligible for learning 
loss bridge camp are required to maintain a 90% attendance rate for promotion.

However, as noted in Tennessee Department of Education guidance documents, the law does not prevent  Local Education Agencies (LEA) and public charter schools from developing local board policies to  provide opportunities for students to make up camp days missed if the days made up are properly 

Knox County students who are required/eligible to attend learning loss bridge camp in order to meet 
promotion criteria must maintain a 90% attendance rate. Students who miss more than 10% of summer 
learning loss bridge camp may make up a total of two (2) missed camp days in the following manner as 
determined by parents and school staff in order to reach a 90% attendance rate:

  •  Students may make up two (2) missed days by attending summer learning loss bridge camp makeup sessions when available and by providing parent excuses or doctor excuses for days absent. The make-up days will be full-day sessions that mirror the structure of the learning loss bridge camp  and will take place on the two (2) days immediately following the completion of the regularly  scheduled camp.

Students missing more than three (3) days of learning loss bridge camps, will not be eligible to make up 
all of the required camp time and will be subject to retention due to the required attendance rate.

Students who miss more than three (3) days due to extenuating circumstances (i.e., health or accident 
related) and upon presentation of sufficient supporting documentation, will have their absences reviewed  by the Executive Director of Learning and Literacy to determine if additional make-up opportunities are  warranted.

Attendance, including make-up attendance, will be documented as part of the student record in the local 
student information system and will adhere to attendance documentation requirements provided by the 
Tennessee Department of Education.

Knox County Schools will inform parents of students required/eligible to attend the learning loss bridge 
camp of the district’s summer school attendance policy upon confirmation of camp enrollment via written  or electronic notification. Additionally, parents of students required to attend the learning loss bridge  camp will be required to certify their understanding of the attendance policy by signing a promotion plan  agreement.



Legal References:

  •  T.C.A. § 49-6-3115.
  • Tennessee Department of Education Third Grade Promotion FAQS. 

Approved as to Legal Form 
By Knox County Law Director 2/21/2023 
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director

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