J-150 School Admissions


Updated at October 23rd, 2024

In This Article:

Section J:




Knox County Board of Education

Descriptor Term:


School Admissions

Descriptor Code:








Students entering school for the first time must present the following documentation:

  1. Officially acceptable evidence of date of birth at the time of registration.1
  2. Evidence of a current medical examination.2 There shall be a complete medical examination of every student entering school for the first time. This applies to kindergarten, first grade, and other students for whom there is no health record.
  3. Evidence of state-required immunization.3
  4. Proof of residency in school zone (ex: utility bill, lease, or deed).
  5. In the case of a child not living with both parents:
    1. If the child lives with a divorced/legally separated/single parent, a copy of the court-ordered parenting plan; or
    2. If the child lives with a custodian or legal guardian, a copy of the appropriate court order; or
    3. If the child lives with an appointed caregiver, a properly executed power of attorney setting forth extreme hardship that renders the parent or legal guardian unable to care for the child; provided that the school administration shall have the authority to inquire into the validity of the hardship and the residence of the caregiver, and further provided that the Director of Schools or his/her designee, with the assistance of the Knox County Law Director’s Office, shall have final authority to determine the validity of any power of attorney for school purposes.

Students in transition who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence should refer to Policy J-140 “Students Experiencing Homelessness” for enrollment information. 

The name used on the records of a student entering school must be the same as that shown on the birth document unless evidence is presented that such name has been legally changed through a court as prescribed by law. If the parent does not have or cannot present a birth document then the name used on the records of such student must be the same as that shown on documents which are acceptable to the school principal as proof of date of birth.

A child whose care, custody and support has been assigned to a resident of the district by a power of attorney or order of the court shall be enrolled in school provided appropriate documentation has been filed with the district office.4

A student may enroll into the school system at any time during the year if his or her parent(s) or legal guardian(s) moves his or her residence into the school system.

A person eighteen (18) years of age or older who applies for admission must have the application approved by the principal or Superintendent or his/her designee when:

  1. He or she fails to enroll within thirty (30) calendar days after school officially starts; or 
  2. He or she is entering Knox County Schools from out-of-state; or
  3. He or she has dropped out of school and wants to re-enter.


The Director of Schools and his or her designees shall have discretion to deny admission to students who have been suspended or expelled from another school district(s).5

Executive principals of each school, or their designee, are required to ask the parent, legal guardian, or legal custodian of a student in writing whether the student has been adjudicated delinquent for any of the offenses defined in T.C.A. § 49-6-3051(b) when any such student initially enrolls in the principal’s school (within 30 days of enrollment), initially enrolls in Knox County Schools, resumes attendance at Knox County Schools after suspension, expulsion, or adjudication of delinquency, or changes schools within Tennessee.

Parents, legal guardians, or legal custodians of students who enter school who have been judged delinquent for an offense involving murder, rape, robbery, kidnapping, aggravated assault or reckless endangerment shall provide to the principal an abstract of record or other similar written information. This information shall be shared only with school employees who have responsibility for classroom instruction of the student. Such information is otherwise confidential and shall not be released to others except as required by law. The written notification shall not become a part of the student's record.6

Legal References:

  1.  T.C.A. § 49-6-3008(b). 
  2. TRR/MS 0520-1-3-.08(2)(a). 
  3. T.C.A. § 49-6-5001(c). 
  4. T.C.A. § 49-6-3001(c)(6); T.C.A. § 37-1-131(a)(2). 
  5. T.C.A. § 49-6-3401. 
  6. T.C.A. § 49-6-3051.

Cross Reference:

  • Knox County Board of Education Policy J-140 Students Experiencing Homelessness.
  • Knox County Board of Education Policy J-151 Student Assignment.

Approved as to Legal Form 
By Knox County Law Director 8/16/2024 
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director

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