Section J:
Students |
Knox County Board of Education |
Descriptor Term:
Alternative School Services |
Descriptor Code: J-281 |
Issued: 7/03 |
Reviewed: 12/23 |
Revised: 1/22 |
I. Students who have been suspended from their regular school program for longer than ten (10) consecutive school days shall be offered alternative school services unless the principal determines that the student poses a threat to the safety of the school community. If a principal determines that a student poses a threat to the safety of the school community, the student can appeal that determination to the Superintendent.
II. Students expelled pursuant to zero tolerance, shall be considered for alternative school placement. The Director of Schools shall review the records of each individual student who has been expelled pursuant to Zero Tolerance to determine whether it is appropriate to offer alternative school services. The Director of Schools' decision shall be based on the summary of records from the principal's hearing, the alternative education services review, and such additional evidence as the Superintendent may deem appropriate.
It is the intent of the Board that the Director of Schools will offer alternative school services to students expelled pursuant to Zero Tolerance unless they have engaged in behaviors that pose a threat to the safety of the school community. The Director of Schools may at his discretion offer alternative school services to students who engage in the following behaviors:
- Possession of a firearm while on Knox County Schools property, on a school bus or at any Knox
County School sponsored activity; - Sale or distribution of legend drugs or controlled substances to other students while on Knox County Schools property, on a school bus or at any Knox County School sponsored activity;
- Uses a weapon to threaten or inflict bodily harm on another student, or any Knox County School's
employee, SRO, or any Knox County or City of Knoxville law enforcement officer assigned to patrol a Knox County Schools property; - Commits a battery on a Knox County School's employee, SRO, or any Knox County or City of Knoxville law enforcement officer assigned to patrol a Knox County Schools property while on Knox County Schools property, on a school bus, or at any Knox County School sponsored activity; and
- Possession of explosive or incendiary device.
III. A student who is suspended or expelled from Knox County Schools who is not offered Alternative School may appeal the denial of services. The appeal must be filed in writing with the Director of Schools within five (5) days after receipt of the notice and may be filed by the parent/legal guardian, the student or any person designated by the student.
Legal Reference:
- T.C.A. § 49-6-4216 (b)(1).
Approved as to Legal Form
By Knox County Law Director 11/17/2023
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director