J-350 School and Student Health Services


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Section J:




Knox County Board of Education

Descriptor Term:


School and Student Health Services

Descriptor Code:









School Health Services works in collaboration with school administrators to provide an environment that
protects and promotes health of all students. The school nurse provides an opportunity for individualized student health assessments, health education and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. School nurses utilize community and school resources to assist students, school personnel and families in obtaining improved health outcomes.

The School Health Services program includes but is not limited to:

  1. Maintenance of a safe, sanitary and healthy school environment.
  2. Promotion of healthy living.
  3. Recognition of physical, mental or emotional well-being of students and/or school personnel.
  4. Verification of a well visit physical examination and required immunization for all students except
    those exempt by statue initially entering Knox County Schools when immunization requirements
  5. Verification of a Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association (TSSAA) physical for
    students prior to participation in interscholastic athletics.
  6. Compilation of cumulative health records when necessary.
  7. A record for each student which contains information as to how and where to contact parents in
    case of emergency.
  8. A report of each accident taking place while the student is under the jurisdiction of the school and
    notification of parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of any accident, injury, or incident.
  9. Procedures for reporting suspected child abuse or neglect.
  10. Plans for excluding students with communicable disease and for readmission following recovery
    in accordance with the Tennessee Department of Health’s Division of Communicable and
    Environmental Disease Services Rules and Regulations.
  11. Procedures for administering and recording medications. 
  12. Development of Individual Health Plans, participation in Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
    Team meetings, and 504 accommodation plans when health related.
    1. As warranted by the student’s condition or diagnosis, an Individual Health Plan (IHP) will
      be completed by the registered nurse.
    2. The IHP shall include:
      1. Emergency care procedures;
      2. A nursing assessment;
      3. Physician's orders; and
      4. Parental authorization.
    3. The school nurse is responsible for updating and maintaining each IHP.
  13. Completion of health assessment by a registered nurse for any child with acute or chronic health issues.
  14. Maintenance of confidentiality as outlined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
    Act (HIPAA) and/or the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
  15. Development of a “Drug Free Schools Policy” addressing drug and alcohol-related medical
    emergencies, guidelines for reporting drug and alcohol-related incidents and referral of students.
  16. Development of an HIV-related illness and AIDS policy to ensure all children with HIV, HIV-related illness, and AIDS infection who enroll in a Tennessee public school are able to attend and


  1. All health care procedures, including the administration of medication, shall be conducted in
    accordance with the Guidelines for Use of Health Care Professionals and Health Care Procedures
    in a school setting produced by the Tennessee Department of Education and the Tennessee
    Department of Health.
  2. If a student is performing an invasive procedure, that student should have at minimum a biannual
    nursing assessment of competency and proficiency as well as an IHP. Every attempt should be
    made on an individual basis to allow a child who is independent to continue self-management.
  3. Any health care procedure a student is not capable or competent to perform must be performed
    by a licensed health care professional in accordance with applicable guidelines of their respective
    regulatory boards. A physician’s order and parental authorization are required for any health care
    procedures performed by a licensed health care professional in a school setting. The written
    parental authorization shall be kept in the student’s school records.
  4. Any student with acute or chronic health issues should have a health assessment completed by a
    registered school nurse.



Legal References:

  1. TRR/MS § 0520-01-13(1)(a)(b)(c)(d).
  2. TRR/MS § 0520-01-13(1)(b).
  3. TRR/MS § 0520-01-13(1)(a).
  4. T.C.A. § 37-1-403.
  5. TRR/MS § 0520-01-13(1)(c).

Cross Reference:

  • Knox County Board of Education Policy J-357 “Student Communicable Diseases.”

Approved as to Legal Form
By Knox County Law Director 1/2/2024
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director


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