J-354 Glucagon Administration


Updated at July 27th, 2024

In This Article:

Section J:




Knox County Board of Education

Descriptor Term:


Glucagon Administration

Descriptor Code:








There must be a parent/legal guardian signature giving permission prior to training school employees.
School employees who volunteer, under no duress or pressure and have been properly trained by a
Registered Nurse, are permitted to administer Glucagon in emergency situations to a student based on
the medical order. There is no limit to the number of employees who may be trained to administer
Glucagon, but the school nurse should seek to train at least two (2) willing school employees. If the school
nurse is on site and available to assist, the school nurse must provide any needed diabetes assistance. In
addition, the Registered Nurse has primary responsibility for updating the student’s Individualized Health
Plan (IHP) and maintaining all student health records.

Any employee assisting with the administration of glucagon shall not be liable in any court of law for
injury resulting from the reasonable and prudent assistance in the administration of glucagon or the
reasonable performance of the health care procedures, if performed pursuant to the policies and guidelines developed by the Tennessee Departments of Health and Education and approved by applicable regulatory or governing boards or agencies.


Glucagon is a hormone that causes the liver to release sugar into the blood. It is used to raise the blood
sugar when a student is unable to take liquids or food by mouth because of severe sleepiness, unconsciousness, or seizure activity. Glucagon is an emergency medication, given by needle and syringe.
It should be given immediately in the event of severe hypoglycemia.


  1. Review medical order for Glucagon administration and parent/legal guardian permission.
  2. The volunteer must complete an in-depth diabetes-related training recognizing signs and
    symptoms of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia and respond with student-specific interventions.
    This training must be completed annually, and competencies shall be documented at least twice a
    year in the employee’s personnel file.
  3. The volunteer must be able to describe Glucagon's purpose, storage, preparation, dosage, and
    follow up care.
  4. The volunteer or designee will notify EMS/911, parents/legal guardian and the school nurse any
    time Glucagon is administered to any diabetic student.
  5. The volunteer must document the diabetic episode on an incident report vial school stream.
  6. Training will be provided until competency is demonstrated and retraining shall be completed on
    a yearly basis. Training will be documented and include a skills checklist, instructor's name, trainee's name, date of training, and documentation of competency of trainee to administrator Glucagon. A copy of the trainee's competency training form will be kept in the employee's personnel file.




Legal Reference:

  1. T.C.A. § 49-50-1602.

Approved as to Legal Form
By Knox County Law Director 1-2-2024
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director

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