J-500 Student Solicitations


Updated at July 27th, 2024

Section J:




Knox County Board of Education

Descriptor Term:


Student Solicitations

Descriptor Code:








The schools shall avoid exploiting students, whether by advertising or otherwise promoting products or
services, soliciting funds or information, or securing participation in non-school related activities and
functions. This policy shall not be construed as preventing a teacher from using instructional or
informational materials even though the materials might include reference to a brand, product or a service. At the same time, schools shall inform and assist students in learning about programs, activities or information which may be of help or service to them. To attempt a fair balance, the following general
guidelines shall apply:

  1. Announcements over the school public address system and/or permission to post bulletins may be approved by the principal if they concern a program or service for youth by a non-profit local
  2. The principal shall determine which materials may be distributed to students, except that materials soliciting money or information may not be distributed without specific approval of the
  3. No fund-raising activities shall be conducted without the approval of the Superintendent.
  4. Students shall not be excused from a regular class to participate in a fund-raising activity.
  5. No quotas shall be imposed on students involved and their efforts shall be voluntary.
  6. The sale of supplies in the classroom as a fund-raising project for student activities is prohibited.
    This does not preclude the operation of a school store under the supervision of the principal or the
    non-profit sale of supplies which are used by students in making articles that become the
    individual’s property.

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