This handbook was developed to provide you with general information important to substitutes. Specific instructions for a particular assignment will be provided at the school location. If you have questions that are not answered, please feel free to contact the building level administrator where you are substituting or the Human Resources Office (865-594-1929).
In the event of a discrepancy between any of the information contained in our orientation materials, the Substitute Handbook, and the Knox County Schools (“KCS”) Board Policy, the KCS Board Policy will govern. The purpose of this handbook is to provide information that will help with questions and pave the way for a successful career with KCS. Any revised Employee Handbook supersedes and replaces all prior versions.
Human Resources Contacts
Executive Director of Human Resources
Scott Bolton
Director of Benefits and HR Operations
Ashley Huffaker
Staffing Supervisor
Jamie Cantrill
Staffing Supervisor
Donna Parker
Absence Management Administration
Sabine McCollum
Substitute Coordinator
Kay Rose
Melissa McCarter
Note: if you need to update your personal information (name, address, and/or phone number),click here.
To provide excellent and accessible learning opportunities that empower all students to realize their full potential.
● 5 Regions covering 9 Districts ● 93 Schools ● 9,000+ Staff ● 60,000+ Students
Substitute teachers are maintained on the Knox County Schools roster of eligible substitutes contingent upon their ability to comply with personal and professional standards of conduct. Conduct detrimental to the reputation of individual schools and/or the school system, not in the interest of the instructional program, or constituting a threat to the safety or well-being of students, the community, or school employees will be cause for removal from the substitute roster.
This handbook is neither an employment contract nor a substitute for the official KCS Board Policy; rather, it is a guide to and brief explanation of these policies. The handbook is not intended to alter the at-will status of employees in any way. The rights and responsibilities of the Knox County Schools’ employees may be found in Section G, Human Resources.
Knox County Board of Education Policies are available here. The Board Policy Handbook can also be found in each school's office or library. If you are unable to locate a copy please contact our office. You are expected to follow all Knox County Board of Education Policies and procedures. Board policies and procedures can change at any time. For more information, employees may refer to the policy codes that are associated with handbook topics, confer with their supervisor, or call the appropriate Central Office department. It is the employee’s responsibility to be knowledgeable of and adhere to all Board Policies and Procedures, including those not referenced herein.
SMOKING AND USE OF TOBACCO The Knox County Board of Education recognizes that smoking represents a health and safety hazard which has serious consequences for the smoker and the nonsmoker. The Board also recognizes that all staff members should serve as positive role models for our students. In order to protect our students, staff, visitors, and guests of the schools from an environment that may be harmful to them, and in compliance with Public Chapter 410, known as the "Non-Smoker Protection Act," the Board of Education prohibits smoking by all staff, students, visitors, and guests on all school property, in all school buildings, and in all school vehicles (including schools, offices, warehouses, sport complexes, and other facilities, as well as vehicles owned by the Board).
Smoking is not allowed in any form at any time inside any school building or anywhere on school property. For the purpose of this policy, "Smoking" will mean all uses of tobacco (including all "smokeless" and chewing tobacco products), cigars, cigarettes, pipes, imitation tobacco products, and electronic cigarettes. Employees are prohibited from possessing tobacco products on school property that are visible to others. This policy on smoking shall be communicated to all existing employees and to all prospective employees upon their application of employment. "No Smoking" signs shall be clearly and conspicuously posted at every entrance to every public place where smoking is prohibited. Policy G-211.
DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE The Knox County Board of Education is committed to a safe working environment, to making adequate provisions for the safety and health of its employees at their place of employment, and to the safety and health of the students we serve as well as the general public. Please refer to the policy for comprehensive information or contact the Human Resources Department with any questions.Policy G-210.
HARASSMENT OF EMPLOYEES Knox County Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment practices nor does it tolerate harassment for any reason including, but not limited to, harassment on the basis of age, actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, religion, race, color, genetics, veteran status or any other federally identified protected area. Harassment by any employee will not be tolerated. Harassment is defined as conduct, advances, gestures or words of a nature which:
Unreasonably interfere with an individual's work or performance;
Create an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment;
Imply that submission to such conduct is made an explicit or implicit term of employment;
Imply that submission to or rejection of such conduct will be used as a basis for an employment decision affecting the harassed employee.
Victims of harassment should report these conditions to the appropriate school administrator, the Executive Director of Human Resources, or the Office of the Director of Schools. No reprisals or retaliation shall occur as a result of good faith reporting of charges of harassment and effort will be made to maintain confidentiality. In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes harassment, all of the circumstances, including the nature of the conduct and the context in which the alleged conduct occurred, will be investigated. The Director of Schools and/or the Director’s designee shall be responsible for investigating all complaints of harassment. If satisfactory resolution of any complaint is not reached, the complainant may refer the matter to the Board. Any employee found to have engaged in harassment shall be subject to sanctions, including, but not limited to, warning, suspension, or termination. Policy G-220
CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT In accordance with Tennessee Law, Knox County Schools acknowledges its responsibility to require employees to immediately report cases of verified or suspected child abuse and neglect. Individuals who have reasonable cause to know or suspect that any child has been abused or neglected are, by statute, responsible for immediately reporting such suspicions directly to the Department of Children’s Services.
All Knox County Schools personnel are required to immediately report suspected child abuse or neglect. The information should include, to the extent known by the reporter, the name, address, telephone number of the child and parents or guardian, birthdate (age) of the child and present whereabouts of the child, if not at home. Please refer to the policy for comprehensive information or contact the Human Resources Department with any questions. Policy J-400.
USE OF TECHNOLOGY All computer users are expected to use the computer and computer networks in a responsible, ethical, and polite manner. The district reserves the right to monitor all technology resources activity. Inappropriate, unauthorized and illegal use of technology, including, but not limited to the internet, e-mail, or the district network will not be acceptable. Forms MC-107 and MC-108.
WORKER’S COMPENSATION All incidents/injuries, no matter how small or insignificant, shall be reported immediately to an employee’s direct supervisor. Form C-20 should be completed as soon as possible and faxed to the Employee Benefits Office at 865-594-9523. If medical treatment is required, an employee must select a physician listed on Knox County Schools Workers’ Compensation Medical Panel, Form C42-G and fax the completed form to the Employee Benefits Office at 865- 594-9523. After submitting the required forms, employees may arrange appointments with the selected provider by calling 865-594-1682. A panel physician must receive approval from the Employee Benefits Department prior to scheduling an appointment.
After an employee receives medical treatment, the employee must bring any doctor’s notes and/or work release documents to their supervisor as soon as possible. In the event that a physician places an employee off work, the employee must contact their supervisor each day that they are absent.
If an employee needs medical treatment at a time when the doctor’s offices listed on form C-42G are closed or when the Benefits & Employee Relations Department is closed, they may go to the emergency room of any Knox County hospital. The employee must notify their supervisor and complete the proper paperwork as soon as possible on the next work day. Policy E-201.
Substitutes are required to pass all background checks, complete applicable training, and provide all requested documentation before being approved as a substitute teacher. The following background checks are performed. The entire process can take up to 3 weeks to complete.
Background Checks
References (3 required with 2 favorable responses)
Drug Screening
Department of Children Services
Sex Offender
Local Law Enforcement Divisions Background Check
Abuse Center
HOW WILL I KNOW I HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR KNOX COUNTY SCHOOLS? Once you submit completed documentation, all background information has been reviewed, and your application has been processed through our payroll and Absence Management departments, you will receive a welcome letter from Absence Management via e-mail. The welcome letter will be your official notification that you have been accepted as a substitute for Knox County Schools.
HOW CAN I FIND OUT INFORMATION ABOUT THE SCHOOL WHERE I AM SUBSTITUTING? Visit On the Home Page, choose the “Our Schools” dropdown menu. There you will find the address, phone number, and other important information pertaining to the individual school.
WHAT IF I HAVE A TENNESSEE TEACHING LICENSE? If you have a valid Tennessee Teaching License, please provide a copy. The copy will be placed in your file and your name will be on the Endorsed Teachers Substitute List. Substitutes holding a current Tennessee Teaching License, upon availability, may be assigned to a Supply Teaching Position that includes compensation at a higher rate.
WHAT IF I HAVE AN OUT-OF-STATE OR EXPIRED TEACHING LICENSE? If you have an out-of-state or expired teaching license, please provide a copy. The license allows for pay on the certified substitute scale.
WHAT IF I AM A TCRS RETIRED TEACHER? ● Certified retirees must wait 60 days from last day worked. ● Certified retirees must complete the Temporary Employment Report. Please contact Human Resources at 865-594-1053 or 865-594-1270, if applicable.
WHAT IF I AM A CURRENT INTERN? ● With approval from their supervising professor, interns can apply to substitute for their mentor teacher. ● Interns should follow the substitute hiring process after the school year begins. ● Interns are eligible to substitute a maximum of 10 times for their mentor teacher.
HOW CAN MY NAME BE REMOVED FROM THE SUBSTITUTE LIST? ● If you accept a full-time position, or need to be removed from the substitute list for any reason, it will b your responsibility to notify Sabine McCollum at in writing asking to be removed. You should mark your Absence Management profile as unavailable until your account can be deactivated. ● If you have any discipline issues, you could be removed from the substitute list. ● The substitute work requirement is 30 days per school year. If you do not work the required 30 full day, you may be removed from the substitute list.
WHAT IF I DO NOT WORK THE REQUIRED 30 DAYS PER YEAR? Failure to work 30 full days during the school year will be considered a break in service as a substitute. If inactivated, a person may be reactivated by following the substitute hiring process.
WHERE CAN I LOCATE THE 2024-2025 KNOX COUNTY SCHOOLS CALENDAR? The Knox County Schools calendar can be found here.
WILL I BE ISSUED A SUBSTITUTE BADGE? Badges are not issued. Substitutes should check in the school through the front office and use a driver’s license as a form of ID. According to the protocol of the school, a temporary ID or proxy card may be issued for the day.
WHERE CAN I ACCESS MY EMPLOYEE, PAYCHECK, AND DIRECT DEPOSIT INFORMATION? The employee's check stub, W-2, and other Payroll information is available online through Munis Employee Self Service. Direct deposit and W-4 information can also be updated by accessing Munis Employee Self Service.
Munis Employee Self Service: • Go to: • Click “Login” in the top right corner • Username: • <First Initial> <Last Name> <Last 4 digits of SSN> • (no spaces, this is not case sensitive) • Password: • Initially, this is Last 4 digits of SSN • (You will be directed to change your password on first login and your new password WILL BE case sensitive)
Once you have successfully logged in, click on “Employee Self Service” on the right
Under the “Pay/Tax Information” section, click on the check date to see the image.
HOW DO I CHANGE MY NAME, ADDRESS OR TELEPHONE NUMBER? In the event you have a change in name, address, or telephone number, please submit this form.
HOW DO I LOG INTO MY KCS E-MAIL? Please follow these steps to set your Active Directory Credentials.
Go to must be in a Knox County School Building on a Knox County Schools computer.... you cannot do this from home...or Starbucks - Please do this while in a school after accepting a substitute job.)
Click on “STAFF” on the menu bar. This will take you to the “Online Services For Staff” list.
From the Online Services list, choose “Password Manager”.
You will be prompted to enter your USERNAME. This is your 9-digit employee ID. Your 9-digit employee ID is sent in the substitute welcome email.
If you enter your 9-digit employee ID and you receive THIS MESSAGE…
❌No matching accounts have been found. Check your user name and try again.
…your staff record has NOT yet been created in the online system. If this is the case, just exit out of Password Manager, and try again tomorrow. Once your staff record is created, Password Manager will accept your USERNAME. That is how you will know you are in the “system”.
After you enter your username, enter the characters you see in the picture and click “OK”.
You will now be directed to set up your Questions and Answers Profile. You will be asked for a password. The default password for Password Manager is:
UPPERCASE first letter of the first name
UPPERCASE first letter of the last name
last four digits of your employee ID#
followed by lowercase: kcs
EXAMPLE: John Smith whose employee ID is 000012345 would be JS2345kcs
(Disclaimer: If you were previously employed by KCS, the default password may not work for you. In that case, contact the HelpDesk at 865-594-1830. We may need to reset your account manually.)
Choose your three security questions and answer “next”. If you are successful, you will receive THIS MESSAGE:
✅Questions and Answers profile was successfully updated
Go to home page
Click “Go to home page”.
From the home page, click “Manage my Passwords”.
Type in your default password again (see above) and click “next”.
You will now choose and enter your Active Directory password. Please read the password policy before typing. Once you have typed in and confirmed your new password, click “next”. You have now successfully set up your ACTIVE DIRECTORY CREDENTIALS!
ACTIVE DIRECTORY PASSWORD: The password you just set in Password Manager
Your Active Directory Credentials will allow you access to many KCS online services, including: ⇢ KCS Computers (on the KCS network) ⇢ Canvas/Teams/Google Drive/School Messenger (if you are given access by your school or the district) ⇢ Your Active Directory Credentials will allow you to access Office 365 Exchange Email (our KCS email provider):
USERNAME: Your KCS Email Address (sent in the substitute welcome email)
PASSWORD: Your Active Directory password that you just set
Knox County Schools is currently using multi-factor authentication as an added layer of security for your KCS email. You will be required to set this up on your first login. Please follow the step-by-step directions at this link: MFA Instructions for either Method
For assistance, please contact the Technology Department at 865-594-1830.
An electronic personnel file is set up when the following forms are completed and the Human Resources Department has received all required information. The following documents are included:
Electronic Personnel File Documents
Legible copy of Social Security Card
Legible copy of Driver's License
Automatic Deposit Request Form
Voided check or letter from bank
W-4 Form
Confidentiality Statement
Acceptable Use of Audiovisual Works - Agreement for Employees
Acceptable Use of Electronic Media - Agreement for Employees
Proof of Education
USCIS 1-9 Form
Employee's records, except medical records and college transcripts, are public records.
PAYROLL Direct Deposit is mandatory. Payroll checks are automatically deposited into employees checking or saving accounts. Please refer to the payroll schedule for specific pay dates. Mandatory deductions include: Social Security/Medicare; federal withholding; and garnishments (if applicable).
2024-2025 SUBSTITUTE PAY SCALE AND PAY DATES The current pay scale and pay dates are located on the “How to Become a Substitute” Quick Links page. The site is accessible by using thislink.
BONUS INCENTIVE Substitutes working 10-14 days during the pay period will receive a $300 bonus. Substitutes working 15 days or more during the pay period will receive a $500 bonus.
EMPLOYEE, PAYCHECK, AND DIRECT DEPOSIT INFORMATION The employee's check stub, W-2, and other Payroll information is available online through Munis Employee Self Service. Direct deposit and W-4 information can also be updated by accessing Munis Employee Self Service.
Munis Employee Self Service: • Go to: • Click “Login” in the top right corner • Username: • <First Initial> <Last Name> <Last 4 digits of SSN> • (no spaces, this is not case sensitive) • Password: • Initially, this is Last 4 digits of SSN • (You will be directed to change your password on first login and your new password WILL BE case sensitive)
Once you have successfully logged in, click on “Employee Self Service” on the right
Under the “Pay/Tax Information” section, click on the check date to see the image.
Frontline Absence Management is an automated placement service for substitute teachers. Substitutes will be able to search for available jobs 24/7 online and by calling into absence management. They will also receive calls from the system when jobs are available.
Substitutes will be able to: ● View their schedule and ensure accuracy of days worked ● Create non-workdays ● Leave feedback ● Set calling preferences ● Set school preferences ● Access training materials
How to Create a Frontline Account:
Substitutes will receive two emails from Frontline. One email is a welcome letter and the second email will be an invitation to create a new Frontline account.
Select Create a Frontline ID within the invitation email. This selection takes you to a login page where you must create login credentials.
Your username must contain 1 alphabet character and at least 4 total characters. The password must have 1 alphabet character, 1 number or special character, and 8 total characters. Include an email address for password recovery and click Create Frontline ID once you are finished.
Phoenix Insights School District
Create a Frontline ID
First Name
Last Name
Create a Username
✅ Apond
Create a Password
✅ ………. Show
Email Address
✅ I accept the terms and conditions.
Create Frontline ID
Already have a Frontline ID? Sign In
The system signs you in with your new username and password and activates the enhancements associated with the Insights Platform.
Sign in with Existing Account for Multi-district Users Only The "Sign In with your Frontline ID" option is only applicable in special circumstances (such as having to provide access to a multi-district user, etc.) In such cases, you will have already received this email invitation in the past and created a Frontline ID account. If this applies, select Sign In with your Frontline ID and enter the Frontline ID account you previously created from the prior invitation email. As a general rule, users will primarily receive an invitation email to create a new Frontline ID account and not to sign in with an existing one.
WHOM DO I CONTACT WITH ABSENCE MANAGEMENT QUESTIONS? Sabine McCollum, Absence Management Administrator,
HOW DO I KNOW WHICH JOB I AM ACCEPTING IN ABSENCE MANAGEMENT? As a general guide, the most common job types are identified as either EA (Educational Assistant), SCH CLER (School Clerical), TCH (Teacher), or LIB (Librarian). If applicable, the job type is followed by the grade or grade level. ES/K-5 identifies Elementary School, MS/6-8 identifies Middle School, and HS/9-12 identifies High School. For example, TCH 1 represents a 1st grade teacher. Job types identified as SPD or SPED are in Special Education classrooms. For example, EA 6-8 SPED represents an Educational Assistant in a Middle School Special Education classroom. You may access the Absence Management abbreviation document through this link.
WHAT DO I DO IF MY ASSIGNMENT IS CHANGED? Schools have the discretion to place you where there is the most need. If you arrive at a school and are reassigned, please be flexible and report where you are assigned. If your assignment is changed for any reason, please make sure that your Absence Management account reflects that change.
WHAT DO I DO IF I NEED TO CANCEL A JOB? ● Always contact the school Absence Management coordinator to make them aware of the cancellation ● If canceling 12 hours before your scheduled start time, please login to Frontline and cancel your job ● If within the 12-hour window of the job, please contact the school Absence Management coordinator to cancel the job ● Frontline will generate a non-workday if a substitute cancels a job less than 24 hours before the job is scheduled to begin.
HOW DO I KNOW WHICH SCHOOLS ARE HIGH NEEDS SCHOOLS? KCS schools are categorized as regular, high needs and special day schools. The school categories list may be accessed through the following link:School Categories
HOW TO ACCESS TRAINING VIDEOS FOR FRONTLINE? ● Login to your Frontline account ● Go to Frontline Support ● Search for:
Substitute Basic Training Video
Substitute Advanced Training Video
Substitute QuickStart Guide
Elementary 7:45 - 2:45
Middle 8:30 - 3:30
High 8:30 - 3:30
EXCEPTIONS TO SCHOOL HOURS You should always check Absence Management for required reporting times. An online schedule of Knox County Schools start and dismiss times is available at
Substitutes are paid from 7:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. for elementary schools and from 8:15 a.m. until 3:45 p.m. for middle and high schools. School buildings will be open, so please feel free to arrive 20-30 minutes early so that you can prepare for the day.
Some schools in the district have exceptions to the hours (see link above). Check the Absence Management system for specific times. Please contact the school/teacher if you have questions about the work hours.
Substitutes must stay the entire duration of the assignment and may be asked to assist in other areas of the school, if needed.
Substitutes should not leave campus during lunch or teacher planning time (if applicable). If the substitute is needed in another area, from the request of the school administrator, and the substitute does not report, pay could be docked. Check with the school’s substitute coordinator before leaving campus.
DISCIPLINE All discipline issues should be directed to the school's office. Substitutes should never discipline students. Never touch a student in an attempt to move or remove them from the classroom.
WHEN ARRIVING AT SCHOOL Report to the school office immediately upon arrival in the building for your assignment. Make yourself known to the secretary, principal or designated administrator so they can assist you in obtaining any needed information. Find out who you are responsible to and from which person you will receive your instructions. Substitutes should report at least 15 minutes prior to school starting and not leave until time indicated above.
IN THE CLASSROOM Whenever possible, arrive at your assigned area in advance of the students. This will give you the opportunity to become familiar with the physical set-up and locate materials necessary to carry out your assignment. Each building may have its own substitute guidelines to follow, but generally the following should be available to you:
Seating Chart
Copies of textbooks or other materials required for each class
Detailed lesson plans (the lesson plans should indicate how assignments, papers and other materials should be handled)
List of students
Keys (if applicable)
Introduce yourself to each new group that you come in contact with during the day. Write your name on the board and, if necessary, pronounce it for the students.
Follow the lesson plans left by the regular teacher. If there are no lesson plans, the building administrators, other teachers, and the students may help you formulate plans for the day. A "bag of tricks" containing brain teasers, math puzzles, educational games, creative writing and art activities, storybooks and other fillers can be a helpful tool to carry. The substitute teacher should only grade written work when asked to do so by the teacher or principal. Do not assign written work and leave it to be graded by the regular teacher. Do not remove mail or other articles from the regular teacher's mailbox without permission from the office. Obtain and become familiar with the bell and lunch schedule for each school in which you substitute. When you check in, ask the administrator if there are any special activities or changes for the day that you should be aware of.
You may be required to assume the regular duties of the absent teacher including routine tasks such as hall duty, lunch supervision, playground duty, bus duty, etc., in addition to your regular schedule if asked to do so. Ask the secretary when you arrive at the school if you are scheduled for any duties that day.
At the end of the day, leave notes for the teacher with a summary of your day. A copy of the substitute report is included at the end of this handbook.
EXPECTATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SUBSTITUTE TEACHER Substitute teachers are selected and hired because they meet the educational and professional standards of the Knox County School System. They play a critical role in the education of students. Professional behavior is expected in the implementation of all district policies and procedures. Substitute teachers are expected to maintain the same ethical standards as classroom teachers. Should problems or concerns arise on your job, discuss them with the building principal or the Human Resources Department. No substitute teacher in elementary or secondary schools should ever release a student from class without specific authorization from the school office. Any parent or visitor to a building must report to the office and obtain an appropriate pass before visiting any classroom. Listed below are some helpful hints. In addition to these areas, should any situation arise with which the substitute teacher is unfamiliar, the principal should be consulted.
Speaking negatively of students and/or teachers to students, parents, or other staff members
Undermining the student's trust in their teacher
Divulging confidential information from school records
Biasing the minds of students in accordance with your own preference
Reporting pupil progress (student grades and parent conferences) unless directed by the principal
Introducing new major units of work unless approved by the principal or teacher
Sending or allowing students to go on errands outside the building
Safeguarding objects of value which belong to students
Controversial issues
Classroom parties
Leaving the classroom unsupervised at any time
Taking photos of students and communicating with students via phone calls, texts, or social media
A parent comes in to help. The teacher did not inform you that the parent was coming? ✅Always check with the office to make sure visitors have signed in.
A student says she has a headache and asks for a Tylenol. ✅Never give a student medication. Do not automatically send students to the nurse without checking through the office first.
After explaining the assignment left by the classroom teacher, a student responds, “You are not our teacher. I’m not doing the work.” ✅ Redirect the student to focus on the assignment. Praise the students with appropriate behavior. If the student continues to refuse, make a note for the teacher in the Substitute Teacher Report. Ignore inconsequential behavior.
You arrive at the school and find out your assignment has changed. ✅ Please be flexible. The school does not always know their needs for the day in advance.
A student stands up and walks out of class. ✅Contact the office.
A student in the class has a medical emergency. ✅Contact the office immediately. The school will follow the proper protocol outlined in the district-wide safety and security plan.
A student tells you about a time he was abused. ✅All Knox County Schools personnel are required to immediately report suspected child abuse or neglect. The school principal or guidance counselor can guide you through the reporting process.
There is a lockdown or fire drill situation at the school. ✅Follow the procedures outlined in the classroom Emergency Response folder.
Students start a conversation about controversial topics. ✅Redirect the conversation to focus on the lesson plan.
A student’s brother comes to check her out of class. ✅Check with the office. Never release a student without communication from the school office.
EMERGENCY INFORMATION An emergency folder/notebook will be in a visible location in every classroom. The information contained should include class rosters, drill procedures, and evacuation maps. Familiarize yourself with this information.
Things to Remember for Drills and Emergencies:
Keep students off phones or electronics
Please do not text about or post about emergency situations
Try to keep everyone calm and quiet
If you are calm, students will follow your lead
Below are some examples of specific emergency situations and responses:
A situation where there is potential for a threat and the school is to take protective measures without ceasing instructional time.
Intercom throughout building
Students and school personnel outside should be relocated within the building.
Assist those needing special assistance.
Lock all entry and exit doors
Deny entry to or exit from the building until given "All Clear".
A situation in which students and staff are safer in classrooms, and movement throughout the building is prohibited.
Intercom throughout building
Students and staff are to clear hallways immediately and report to nearest available room.
Assist those needing special assistance
Lock all entry and exit doors and deny entry to or exit from the building.
Remain in room and keep students and staff out of hallways until given "All Clear".
A situation where an imminent threat is posed to the school, staff, or students.
Intercom, PA system or phone
Students and staff are to be cleared from hallways immediately and report to the nearest available room.
Assist those needing special assistance.
Ensure all windows and doors are covered and locked.
Turn off all lights.
Students and staff are to assemble in pre-identified "hard corners" to minimize visibility from doors and windows.
Remain in place until given the "All Clear".
For use when a hazardous materials situation has occurred and students and staff are safer inside the building.
Intercom or PA System
Students and staff are to be cleared from hallways immediately and report to nearest available room.
Close all windows and doors and seal the gap between bottom of the door and the floor using available material such as curtains, rugs, or blankets and tape.
Remain sheltered in place until further instruction is given.
For use when severe weather warnings are issued or when there is an imminent severe weather event that will endanger students and staff.
Intercom, PA System, Weather Radio
Students and school personnel outside should be relocated within the building.
Assist those needing special assistance.
Students and staff should move to pre- designated areas and take appropriate protective positions.
Any students or staff who cannot immediately relocate to a sturdy structure should take cover in a ditch or large flat area and protect head and neck with arms.
Remain in position until further instruction is given.
For use in earthquake or other imminent danger to buildings or immediate surroundings
Intercom, PA System
Drop to the floor and take cover under a nearby desk or table and face away from windows.
Cover eyes by leaning face against your arms.
Hold onto the table or desk legs
Wait for further instructions.
Assist those needing special assistance with the above instructions.
An orderly exit from the facility to be used when conditions outside the facility are safer than those inside
Intercom, PA System, Alarm
Take the closest and safest way out as posted, keeping in mind a secondary route may be needed if primary route is blocked or otherwise unsafe
Assist those requiring special assistance.
Do not stop for student or staff belongings.
Ensure the class attendance log is taken as well as emergency kits (if applicable)
Go to designated assembly area.
Check for injuries.
Wait for further instructions.
SCHOOL EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (SERT) The School Emergency Response Team (SERT) is made up of individuals within school staff that assist the principal in responding to school emergencies. There may be instances when time-sensitive decisions have to be made quickly by the principal, thus bypassing involvement of the SERT. If any questions arise about emergency procedures, please contact school administration.
In case of the following emergencies, please notify the school office immediately:
Active shooter, active aggressor, or intruder
Bomb threat
Hazardous materials release
Medical emergency (staff, student, or visitor)
Missing student
Suicide attempt, threat or other mental health emergency
Know the school address and phone number
Be familiar with school entrance, staff parking, traffic patterns
Protect confidential information
Assume duties of the teacher
Follow the lesson plan
Record attendance
Communicate expectations
Maintain a safe and respectful environment
Leave the classroom organized and clean
Follow all KCS policies and state laws
Submit substitute teacher report
Check in and out through the office
Dress appropriately
Introduce yourself to teachers next door
At the discretion of the principal, be mindful of: • Accepting assignments in a family member’s classroom • Recent high school graduates subbing at their alma mater
Reflect at the end of the day
TIPS ON CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT – (Please see a list of suggestions in the final pages of this handbook) As a substitute teacher, you have the prime responsibility to teach, as well as possible, what the regular teacher has outlined. The following suggestions will help you eliminate classroom management problems, establish a good classroom routine, provide for an efficient learning situation, and establish mutual respect between teacher and students.
Conduct yourself as the teacher and accept the role of a professional.
Introduce yourself, write your name on the board, and wear a name tag.
Be patient. It is natural for a class to test a substitute. You represent a change for them. Patience, understanding, firmness, and respect toward the students will diminish distrust.
Expect Good Behavior. Students tend to respond to whatever we expect of them. A positive approach is worth a hundred negative rules!
Be Fair and Consistent. Your success in classroom management will depend to a great extent on your degree of fairness and consistent treatment. Students must know what to expect of you and what you expect of them. Uncertainty is a breeder of misbehavior.
Be Ready. Materials and plans for the day are a must. The regular teacher has left plans that you should follow. Go over these plans carefully to ensure that you know what you want the class to be doing during the day.
Begin class on time to avoid restlessness and disinterest. If you should have to deviate from the teacher's plans, leave a note for the teacher explaining the reason for the change and what you did in its place.
Make clear presentations and use effective teaching methods. What the students gain from the lesson will depend on how well you present it.
Provide for student involvement in discussion, planning, questioning, and classroom activities. Be sure that directions are clear and supervision is provided.
Leave Time. Especially on the secondary level when classes change each period, leave enough time at the end of each period for the class to gather materials together and for you to prepare for the next group.
Use Common Sense. All the rules, regulations, guidelines, and directives are no substitute for it.
Keep your sense of humor!
Advice From Current Substitutes
Let the kids know the expected outcomes for the day
Follow the plans left by the teacher
Start class right away
Keep the kids engaged
Take attendance
Use positive reinforcement
Be flexible
Don’t be afraid to ask questions to school building personnel
Count the students as you transition throughout the school building and various activities
In some cases, you may be assigned to teach in a special education classroom where all of the students have been identified as having special needs. In other cases, you may be teaching in a regular classroom where there are particular students with identified special needs. Whichever is the case, here are some thoughts on how to facilitate the learning of these students.
Advice From Special Education Teachers
● Respect is the key attitude for success with all children.
● These children may have a variety of learning challenges. Do not think first of their special needs, but think of them first as learners.
● All children respond to sincere encouragement, but do not overdo it. Be sensitive to the fact that learning is more difficult for these children than for many others.
● Depending on the grade level you are teaching, these students may have experienced years of school failure. Be aware of that as you respond to their needs and work to help them find success.
● If there are problems, do not single out a child in front of the class, but deal with him or her privately.
● Many children with special needs have Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). Consult these plans when available, as they provide structure for the student's learning. The teacher should have daily plans drawn from these IEPs.
● You often may be privy to confidential information about children with special needs. It is critical that all information you obtain about children during your teaching day remains confidential. Depending on the grade level, the students may feel self-conscious that you know they have learning challenges, which can set up defensiveness on their part.
● During your teaching day, you may need to locate yourself in close proximity to these children to offer assistance and to help them stay focused. A gentle reminder will oftentimes suffice for them. An instructional assistant or aide may be in the classroom. Such a person can be of tremendous help because they have a history with the children and are aware of routines, personalities, and other important background information.
● Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from the principal or another teacher if you have concerns or questions during the day.
● Carefully note the daily schedules for the special-needs children, as they often have support personnel (language or hearing specialists) come into the classroom. At other times, they may leave the classroom to attend regular or special classes.
● There may be teaching equipment or machines in these classes. Check with the instructional assistant, the principal, or another teacher before using these items.
● Sometimes children are allowed to use certain learning aids to assist them with their work. The regular teacher will leave information instructing you as to which students may use the aids, and under what circumstances. If questions arise concerning use of learning aids, please check with the Educational Assistant or Special Education department chair.
● In some special education classes, behavior reports go home daily to parents that record the behavior of their child throughout the day. Become as familiar as possible with the system, or ask the assistant to focus on giving the feedback for the particular student(s) for the day.
● In class discussions, if a student responds with an incorrect answer, provide clues or follow-up questions to help him or her think of the correct answer. Look for ways to praise students for their thinking and behavior as well as correct answers.
● Present short and varied instructional tasks planned with students' success in mind.
Special Education and Inclusive Education Terms
● Accommodations: A change in how a student with a disability participates in the educational program. May include a change in the assignment, how the student responds to the assignment, or how the instruction is presented. ● r: Includes the age-appropriate behaviors necessary for people to live independently and to function safely and appropriately in daily life ● Assistive technology (AT) device: A device that includes any item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functioning of individuals with disabilities. ● Autism: A developmental disability, which significantly affects verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before age three that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. Other characteristics often associated with autism are engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines, and unusual responses to sensory experience. ● Behavior intervention plan (BIP): A plan that includes positive strategies, program modifications, and supplementary aids and supports that address a student's problem behaviors and allows the child to be educated in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). ● Fine motor: The skilled use of one’s hands. It is the ability to move the hands and fingers in a smooth, precise and controlled manner. ● Individualized Education Plan (IEP): A written statement for a child with a disability that is developed, reviewed, and revised in accordance with Sec. 300.320 through 300.324. ● Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): A federal law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education, and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities. ● Least Restrictive Environment (LRE): refers to a related set of requirements aimed at providing individuals with disabilities: the greatest interaction with children, youth and adults without disabilities; the appropriate education; and the special assistance needed for success in the general education setting ● Limited English proficient (LEP): A student who is not fully English proficient, speaks a language other than English at home, and does not demonstrate English language skills of comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing at a level of proficiency. ● Modifications: Changes made in the educational program that allow a student with a disability to attain measurable goals, be involved in and make progress in the general education curriculum, and be educated with other children with disability and without disability (20 U.S.C. 1414 & 614 (d)(1)(a)(i) (IV)).
The Knox County School System affirms that it will comply with Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Title Il of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Age Discrimination Act in Employment Act of 1967.
No person shall, on the ground of race, color, national origin, sex, genetics, religion, age, disability or veteran status, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance or be subjected to discrimination in employment opportunities or benefits.
Anyone who believes that Knox County School System has discriminated against them or another individual may file a complaint. Knox County Schools has designated the following people to handle such grievances to comply with the law. Student complaints of discrimination on the basis of disability, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, genetics or veteran status should be directed to
Checovoia Foster-Bruce, Title VI, Title IX and ADA and OCR Coordinator Post Office Box 2188, Knoxville, Tennessee 37901-2188 Telephone (865) 594-1929
Title VI Coordinator Tennessee Department of Education (615) 253-1550
The Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Education P.O. Box 2048, 04-3010 Atlanta, Georgia 30301-2048
Knox County Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age or veteran status in the educational programs and activities it operates, pursuant to Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972; Public Law 92-318, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Public Law 92-112; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Checovoia Foster-Bruce, Title VI, Title IX and ADA and OCR Coordinator Post Office Box 2188, Knoxville, Tennessee 37901-2188 Telephone (865) 594-1929
For further information on notice of nondiscrimination, call 1-800-421-3481 for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area.
JOB SUMMARY Substitutes are those who fill temporary vacancies created when teachers, teaching assistants or secretaries are absent or on leave from the workplace.
QUALIFICATIONS • High School Diploma or GED • Qualified substitutes may be licensed or non-licensed.
Licensed – State-issued teaching certificate
Non-licensed – Transcript or diploma with the highest level of education
• Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Superintendent may find appropriate and acceptable
ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS/JOB DUTIES • Report to Principal. • Follow all Knox County Board of Education policies and state and federal laws. • Maintain individual account in the Frontline Absence Management System to accept substitute positions and ensure accuracy of days worked. • Establish and maintain satisfactory, respectful working relationships within the school environment. • Manage the classroom effectively to encourage student participation, minimize distractions, and maintain a positive learning environment. • Supervise students both in and out of the classroom. • With the exception of discipline, substitute teachers will assume the same responsibilities as the regular teacher, including bus duty and other supervisory assignments. • In order to make the work of the substitute teacher as satisfactory as possible, the regular teacher will provide:
Daily schedule (academic and supervisory)
Class rolls
Lesson plans and other information for the day’s activities
• Follow lesson plans provided by the regular teacher to create a cohesive and consistent learning experience for students. (In case of emergency when plans are not provided, the principal should be made aware of the situation. The substitute will be provided with lesson plans for the day.) • Record attendance according to school policy. • Keep track of student progress in order to complete a Substitute Teacher Report Form for the regular classroom teacher. • Employees drawing TCRS retirement may substitute unlimited days provided that the additional days would not cause the retiree’s salary to exceed the salary rate set by the school system for substitute teachers filling similar vacant positions. They must be retired for 60 days before they return to work. • Substitute teachers who perform below an acceptable level shall not be recommended for continuing service. • Perform other duties as assigned.
The following outlines classroom management strategies to be used throughout the school day. These strategies will set the tone for students to stay on task.
Greet students as they enter.
Write your name so that it is visible to students as they enter.
Start class immediately.
Always default to the teacher’s starter activity (see suggestions below if one is not available in the lesson plan).
The starter activity will not only set the tone for a productive day but will also provide time for the substitute to take attendance.
Introduce yourself.
Preview (verbally and written) what the teacher expects students to accomplish during the day.
If appropriate to the lesson plan, set time limits for students to accomplish tasks. This is merely a tool to keep students on task if they have several assignments/steps to complete.
While students are working:
Walk around the room
Praise appropriate behavior
Ignore inconsequential behavior
Redirect as necessary
Gather information for the substitute note to the teacher—what the students accomplished. This can be from observation or from a wrap-up activity such as 3-2-1 or Exit Ticket.
The resources listed below are just a few ideas to assist with classroom management. They may be used in conjunction with the lesson plan but should not replace the lesson plan provided by the classroom teacher.
STARTER ACTIVITIES If needed, use starter activities to allow students to work individually as they enter class. This will give you time to take attendance and preview the lesson plan. If provided, use the starter activity in the lesson plan.
5 –Word Introduction
All About Me (Have students draw or write an introduction of themselves)
Starter Questions (Write one of the “Would You Rather” questions on the board and have students write or draw their answer)
FILLERS Use filler activities when ALL students have completed their assignments and you have extra minutes at the end of class. Ask the following questions and allow students to respond. Would You Rather...
Would you rather be the author of a popular book or a musician in a band who released a popular album? Why?
Would you rather live in a place with a lot of trees or live in a place near the ocean? Why?
Would you rather have a magic carpet that flies or a see -through submarine? Why?
Would you rather visit the space station for a week or stay in an underwater hotel for a week? Why?
Would you rather be a wizard or a superhero? Why?
Would you rather be able to jump as far as a kangaroo or hold your breath as long as a whale? Why?
Would you rather be incredibly funny or incredibly smart? Why?
Would you rather it be warm and raining or cold and snowing today? Why?
Would you rather do school work as a group or by yourself? Why?
Call on volunteers to answer questions
Call on individual students to answer questions using the class roster
Call on students within number groups (typically 1-4 based on the number of students in the class)
Allow students to collaborate with their shoulder partner (sitting side by side) or face partner (sitting face to face) before answering
Allow students to collaborate with their table groups before answering
Think. The teacher asks a question and allows a few seconds for the students to process an answer.
Write. Students write down their answers.
Pair. Students turn to a neighbor and briefly discuss their answers.
Share. The teacher calls on a few students to share their answers. The teacher then conducts a brief class discussion.
Warm/Cool Feedback
Ask students to give feedback on Q & A responses.
When students comment on the positive aspects of a peer's answer, they are giving warm feedback
when they identify areas that need improvement, they are providing cool feedback.
Engagement/Graphic Organizers
Jot Thoughts - Students jot down their thoughts or responses to be shared later (works well with videos, reading assignments, and as a wrap-up activity).
Popcorn Share – Students spontaneously share what they wrote in Jot Thoughts.
3-2-1- Students write 3 things they learned, 2 things that most surprised them, and 1 question they still have.
Exit Ticket – Students answer a question related to the lesson. This can be done on notebook paper, a sticky note, or a printed template.
K/W/L Chart – Students write down what they KNOW prior to the lesson, what they WANT to know, and finally, what they LEARNED.
Venn Diagram – Students draw 2 overlapping circles for similarities & differences.
Substitute Kit Suggestions
A substitute kit is a personalized collection of materials a substitute teacher can bring with them to the schools. It can include any of the following and feel free to add your own items. Having a substitute kit helps subs adapt to different classrooms and fill unexpected gaps in the day - it ensures that you are prepared for anything!
Substitute Handbook
Substitute Teacher Report
Name tags
Printed copy of classroom expectations
Age-appropriate books (for elementary school – check with the school librarian/media specialist for suggestions)