Canvas: Video - Aspen / Canvas Grade Passback Pt. 2


Updated at January 27th, 2025



Here's the transcript with the timestamps removed:

Okay, this is video number two. So in video number one, we covered the setup portion of Aspen. In video number two, we are going to cover the setup portion within Canvas.

So I am in the same person using my buddy's Canvas page, and this is the dashboard, just kinda the home screen that we all see with all of his classes.

I'm going to go into a specific course, so I'm gonna click courses here. And again, just like we covered in the Aspen setup portion, we have to do this setup for each individual class unless we have classes cross-listed.

Okay? So I'm gonna go into his freshman seminar class and running down the left-hand side is settings, and that's what I'm looking for.

Okay? The very first thing I wanna do once I get into my Canvas course is I wanna click settings and it's gonna bring me up a list of settings. I'm gonna scroll down until I see grading scheme. Now you can see his box has already been checked because he's, he's utilizing the pass back quite often, but if it wasn't checked, I would check the box and then this blue hyperlink will pop up.

It says View Grading Scheme. Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and click that. All right. The default setting within Canvas is not Tennessee Uniform Grading Scale.

Okay? If you haven't checked that box, when you click View Grading Scheme, it's gonna say Default grading scheme, and it's gonna be something different from what you're looking for. What you're gonna wanna do is select, select another grading scheme, okay? Then it gives you a list of options. The first one is elementary first and second grade academics.

If you are teaching first or second grade, you would select that option elementary three through five. If you're teaching those grades, you would select that option.

If you are teaching sixth or higher, you're gonna select Tennessee Uniform Grading Scale. Click it, it says, use this grading standard.

You would click that and then you would be done, and now you've enabled the grading scheme. This is the number one thing on the Canvas side of things to make sure that Canvas and Aspen can communicate with each other.

Okay, so that is step one. Make sure your course grading scheme is set up. In video number three, we're gonna cover how to get your assignment groups set up and how to get the grades pushed over into Aspen.



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