Canvas: Video - Course Navigation


Updated at October 25th, 2024



Hi in this video we're going to talk about your course navigation and what I mean by that is you're inside your class in canvas and you don't really know where to go or click so that's what we're going to look at now.

The first thing that you do, the first thing you're looking at whenever you click on one of your courses is the home page. Now your teacher's homepage may look a little different from mine. On mine I have some information here on the front that my students need to know. I have some quick links. Your teacher may have it set up where you don't really interact with this home page other teachers may have it set up where that's the only thing that you look at so it really depends on how your teacher has this home page set up for you.

I do want to mention on the right hand side so over here you do have a to-do list so if there's any upcoming assignments or tests or quizzes that your teacher has put into canvas you're going to see it listed here. So this is a great quick look for you to see what's going on in your class. Now over here on the left hand side this is inside your course still we have a button called modules is how some teachers organize their information and their materials. Other teachers may have grades. Other teachers may have announcements set up so really depends again on what how what your teacher wants you to see. And what you're able to click on over here but more than likely you're going to see a home page, modules, announcements, and possibly grades so you can click on any of these options to get you to the information.

So when you click on modules so you can see I have my modules set up for my students to go and find the information that they need for that class period. They can go click on their grades to see their grades or if they want to go back to the home page they can click on the home and it will take them back to their home page. 

If you can't find something or you need more information from your teacher please send them a message using your inbox. There'll be another video if you don't know how to do that there'll be a video on showing you how to use your inbox to message your teacher.



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