Canvas: Video - Embedding Google Slides


Updated at October 29th, 2024


I'm Alysa. I'm going to show you how to embed a Google Slide presentation into a Canvas course. Okay, so here I am in Google. Here are my Google Slides that I want to embed. I'm going to open them, and I'm going to go ahead and go to File and publish to the web. Don't worry about the auto-advancing option, but up here you're going to change from Link to Embed so that you can get the embed code. I'm going to change this to Large.

Okay, then I'm going to copy and paste this embed code here, and I'm going to go to Canvas. Here’s the course where I want to embed these slides. I'm going to open it and create a new page where I can embed the slideshow. So, I'm going to add a page and name it, and then I'm going to open this HTML editor here and paste the embed code that I took from Google. I'm going to come down here and hit Save or Save and Publish; either is fine.

I'm here for a list, and there's my presentation. Now, I want to show you one more trick you can do to make sure that your presentation is good on any device. I'm going to go back into Edit it. I'm going to open the HTML editor again, and right here where it says Width, I'm going to delete the number that's in there and change this to 100%. This means that no matter the screen—whether it's a cell phone, an iPad, or a really big desktop screen—the width of the presentation will take up that full screen.

So, that's just a little trick that I learned. I'm going to save it, and now it's ready to go. I can use the arrows on my keyboard to advance the slides, or I can control them from down here, just like you normally would in Google. Here’s a video that I embedded in my Google Slides, and it is going to work just like it would if you were presenting from Google.

So, the great thing about this is that it allows you to present directly from your Canvas course, and you don't even need to have a tab for Google open. Okay, thanks!



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