Canvas: Video - Grading with Speedgrader


Updated at October 30th, 2024


Accessing the SpeedGrader, this video is going to cover the Canvas SpeedGrader. In the Canvas gradebook, there are many different ways to access the Canvas SpeedGrader. The first way is on the dashboard. Over on the right-hand side, you'll notice your to-do list. Your to-do list is populated with students' assignments that have been turned in. To view these assignments in SpeedGrader, you click on the assignment you wish to view. We will go into the details of how the SpeedGrader works in just a few minutes.

The next way to access SpeedGrader is by accessing assignments. Click on the course you wish to grade in, and to the right is the to-do list that is populated by only this course's items. You just click on the name to access the SpeedGrader. Additionally, you can use the Assignments tab to access the SpeedGrader. The Assignments tab is a repository of all the assignments in your course, so you can access SpeedGrader for assignments, discussion boards, and quizzes all on this page. Locate the assignment that you wish to grade and click on the name. Over here to the right is the SpeedGrader.

You can also access assignments individually on the home page where you have them in your course modules, just by clicking on the title, selecting the three-dot menu, and selecting SpeedGrader. You might notice that I switched to SpeedGrader for the course that you are enrolled in right now. I can't show you some of the SpeedGrader in the background information, however, I can show it to you on this "sandbox" template where a lot of people have practiced. As you can see, I've made quite a few quizzes here.

So, we're going to start on quizzes and SpeedGrader. If you want to access a quiz, some quizzes are automatically graded, and some quizzes are half automatically graded. If they have essay questions, then you grade those, so you might have to grade them. You can click on the quiz that you wish to grade. In here, under Quizzes, you have all your quiz information. You can also preview your quiz if you'd like to. This is a great thing to do before you deploy the quiz; that way, you can make sure all your questions are correct. This is where you will edit the quiz.

Here are some other things you can do on the quiz page: you can show a rubric to your students, preview it again, or show students their quiz results. Messaging students is nice because you can actually message students who have not taken the quiz and let them know. There are lots of things you can do in the quiz system to remind students or to email them quiz statistics. Once the quiz has been taken, it shows you an average score and provides a breakdown of whether questions were answered correctly. You can also download some student analysis or item analysis if you wish to. You can filter by sections, but most of your courses do not have sections.

Going back to the quiz, you have "Moderate This Quiz." This is what you will use if you have accommodations, or if, say, you have a student who was taking the test and their internet crashed. If they ask you if they could retake it and you say yes, this is where you would give them another attempt, especially if you only have one attempt set in your settings. You just click on the pencil to give extensions for your students. Everyone gets one attempt, so if you want to give them an extra attempt, you could give them two attempts. For extra time on every attempt, if you have a student who needs an extra hour, you would put 60 minutes here. You can also manually unlock the quiz for the next attempt, so they don't have to contact you if you already knew this was going to happen.

Again, you can click "Assignment Comments" on SpeedGrader, and SpeedGrader for a quiz looks like this. It goes through and shows you the quiz items and questions they got right and wrong. You can add some assignment comments here. I'm going to go over the assignment comments really quick and how you can do them. Here, you have a paperclip to attach a file. Right here, you can click on this, and it will open up a recorder so you can leave a video comment. You can click on the speech recognition button and do speech-to-text. Just click the record button to begin, and then it begins transcribing what you're saying. It's kind of a fun and quick way to give feedback! When you're done, you click this button, and it automatically populates into your assignment comments. When you add assignment comments, just click the submit button, and they are right there for students to see. Students can also comment back to you.



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