Canvas: Video - Microsoft Teams Link in Canvas


Updated at October 25th, 2024



Hi, I'm Emily Butterfield, a sixth-grade science teacher at Beard Middle School, and I want to show you an easy way to add a Microsoft Teams link to your Canvas module to give just one link that students can access. 

You can use this however you want, but anybody who has the link can join the meeting, so you can consider that. So here I am in my module, and I am going to add... and we're going to add a page, new page. Don't call this a team meeting. I'm going to go to the page that I've created, and I'm going to edit. So once you're on this page, you'll see the little plug. If you click your plug, you can add an app. And so I'm going to choose Microsoft Teams. And sometimes it takes a second, so don't freak out if it looks like it's not doing anything. It's cooking. Give it a second.

So I'm going to sign into my Teams, and I'm going to create a meeting link. So we'll say this is Runners Meeting, and we'll get on May 3rd or the 11th, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. You can change the dates or times. I'm going to create my link. This is meeting created. Click copy. And now I have a hyperlink to my meeting. Now, if I don't like how small that is, I can change it. I can make it giant. I can change the color. I can add multiple links on here. The other nice thing you can do is if you click on your link, you can choose options, and this lets you either change the text or you have the link. And so if I want to take this link and put it on a different Canvas course, I can highlight it, copy and paste it, and move it. Or I can change the text right here. 

This is an easy way to add a link to your Microsoft Teams meeting so that all your students who have the link can join. Have a great day!



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