Canvas: Video - Modules & Pages


Updated at October 28th, 2024



Hello my name is Melody Hawkins, eighth-grade science teacher at my middle magnet school, and I would like to show you how I use canvas modules and pages to keep my canvas course organized and to keep everything very student user-friendly. 

When students log into canvas and visit my course they will only have two options. Once they get there and those options are to choose home or modules. The home page is what they automatically land on and modules is the only other option for them to choose. I do that so that students know exactly where to go. It keeps things less confusing for them and I believe that they appreciate being able to see just a few of the options to choose from. Everything else is hidden from their view. I also have a link to modules on the home page, but for now we'll access the modules portion of canvas by just clicking on modules on the side. Once students reach this portion of my canvas course they are basically looking at the chapters in a book. I like to think of modules like chapters, and just like chapters in a book have different pages so it does all of the modules that I have on this course I have several modules published and these modules correspond to the different topics and units that we'll cover in eighth grade science. 

Beneath each module are pages. The pages serve as the agenda for the day. For instance if today was Wednesday August 14th my students would click on the Wednesday agenda and most likely that will be the only agenda that they would have access to and they can take a glance at what we will be covering for the day. They'll see exactly how long I want them to spend on different tasks and activities and they will also take a peek at their success criteria or objective and have a good understanding of where I should expect to see their mastery by the end of class. From here students can click on any links that I provided them access to and go to the different parts of canvas. 

So I'm going to show you how to create a module in canvas. When you go to the modules page at the very top you will see add module, plus module, the blue button, and I'm gonna call this module how to use features on canvas. Usually when a module is added it automatically goes to the bottom so I'm going to bring mine up to the top so that I can access it quickly. Now once I've done that the module is still unpublished which is good because I'd like to add some things to this module. I am going to go to pages and add my agenda page to the module. I'll click view our pages and add page. I'm going to call this page Monday May 4th 2020 because this is the agenda that we will use to keep us organized in what to expect for modules and pages. Now the pages option does allow you to change the font. You can change the text in any way. You might even want to change the color and highlight some words. To bring in this is some different text for now. I'm just going to leave it as is we covered. An opener I introduced myself I explained a little bit about how we will be successful today which is hopefully walking away understanding more about modules and pages. 

We're going to complete an activity and then there will be some type of exit ticket or reflection at the end. So now I have successfully created a page and agenda and from here because my students only have access to home and modules. I'll need to create links let's say that that introduction and opener had a canvas class that I've created. So I'm going to go to that icon and click on course links. Although two quizzes because I created it as the canvas quiz and then I will scroll through the list and find the quiz that I created. So now I've added that as a link and then for my activity for the day I created that activity by using the assignments option. And so I'm going to go through the list and find the assignment that I created and attach it as a link so now once I save and publish the page students will be able to click directly links to get wherever it is I need them to go on canvas.  The last step is going to be adding this page to the module. By clicking the plus sign I'm gonna go to page and luckily things are in alphabetical order so I'm going to look for Monday May 4th 2020 and I have successfully added my page. Now I can make sure my page and my module are published and students will have access to what we're doing for the day.

I hope that this will help you as you continue your deeper dive into canvas. I'm excited to see how others can come up with ways to use modules and pages. This is what works for me and I really am glad that I have got something that helps keep my course organized and it makes everything user-friendly for my students. Thank you for joining me.



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